Page 26 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 26

The Kings and Queens

                    Seen and Heard Around The District

            MIDWOOD LIONS

              CLUB SERVES.

         Midwood Lions continue to volunteer
         at the Food Pantry.  They also pre-
         pared Easter baskets.  In partnership
         with Brooklyn Outreach Lions Club,
         they collected donations to be sent for
         the St. Vincent Volcano Relief effort.
         (See photos)
         Reported by,
         Lion Mirle Gillard

           RICHMOND HILL /

         During the entire month of May
         2021 the Richmond Hill-South
         Ozone Park Lions Club distributed
         over 5,000 boxes of groceries to
         the community. RHSOP Lions Club
         continues to serve the community.
         We would like to thank all
         the members and supporters
         for making this possible.

         Submitted by,
         Lion Romeo Hitlall,

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