Page 31 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 31
Volume V111, No. 6
Seen and Heard Around The District
A Year Of Challenges Overcome
“Society is always creating too distributed at local pantries during the of women/family housing services in the
much trouble for philanthropy to height of the COVID-19 lockdown. city.
In early 2021, they reconnected with their Having spent the last year building their
One must attack social problems at longtime community partner to plan their online audience and developing a branded
the roots” signature service activity. Ecopalooza, took presence on social media, the QPLC was
place on May 23, 2021. This was their first able to strategically market the event to a
broader audience beyond the borders of
~~ Helen Keller in-person service activity in over a year. Queens. Because of this exposure, May
Ecopalooza is a project which QPLC has 2021 Ecopalooza was the busiest so far.
Beginning with the March 2020 Board An estimated 5 tons of used electronics
Meeting, the club met remotely via Zoom conducted twice a year since 2014 in were collected and will be recycled, sav-
for all of LY2020 - 2021. Jackson Heights. It is in partnership with ing them from being dumped in landfills
the Lower East Side Ecology Center, and
The club also used social media to accom- averages 4 tons of electronic waste and protecting the environment.
plish virtual service activities,and used Go- collected per event. The day-long curbside Reported by,
FundMe to create monthly fundraising cam- event is also an opportunity for the QPLC Lion Michael Crossfox,
paigns that were shared on Facebook. to collect eyeglasses, used clothing and cash Club Treasurer
Donations were used to benefit women/ donations on behalf of Women in Need /
families in shelters and purchase food to be NYC, This partnership is the top provider
Saturday, May 22 was a wonderful
sunny weekend at the Ronald McNair
Park. Central Brooklyn Lions and
Leos assembled for their annual envi-
ronmental project. They were ready
for "Park Cleanup Day". (see photos)
They worked diligently and helped to
beautify the park by raking leaves and
distributing mulch around the trees.
This is our clubs adopted park.
Submitted by,
Lion Ty'East Alleyne-Bobb
Marketing and Communications/
Publicity Chair
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