Page 29 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 29

Volume V111, No. 6

                             Seen and Heard Around The District

              A VCB SUCCESS             partment at Lenox Hill Hospital,
                    STORY               cleaning and stocking hospital sup-  Submitted by,
                                        plies at different Hospital locations in
                                        Manhattan.  She also holds a full
           Ebony C, a 21 year old female was   time night job with Amazon, stock-  Krystal Findley - Jones,
           born with Optic Atrophy, a condition   ing and preparing customers’ orders   VCB
           that affects the optic nerve, which   for distribution.
           carries impulses from the eye to the
           brain. There is no effective treatment
           for this condition and blindness may   Ebony states “I never thought I would
           result. She was referred to VISIONS   have two jobs. I am so happy. I love
           by the NYS Commission for the Blind   getting ready for work and taking “Access
           and participated in the 15 week VI-  - a- Ride” to travel every day.  I feel like
           SIONS Residential Employment   VISIONS Employment Readiness
           Readiness/PreETS Program     Program really helped me reach my goal.
           During her 40 hour internship, she   I am work ready and more independent.”
           wrote memos, filed documents and
           learned other clerical skills. Upon
           graduation, she received the ServSafe   Ebony shares a message to all blind
                                        and visually impaired students living
           Food Handler Certificate and the Na-  in New York State who have gradu-
           tional Retail Federation’s Rise Up –   ated from High School and are not
           Customer Services Certification.   sure what to do: “Never give up and
                                        keep pushing to find where you
                                        believe you’ll be successful .”
            Currently, she is working part time
           for the Environmental Services de-

                                               VISION SCREENING
                                      WITH BROOKLYN TRANSITION

                              Photos below show members of Brooklyn Transition Lions Club as they conduct eye
                              screening at Gifted Minds Child Care Center with Lion Lavern Harrison, SEE Coordinator.

                              Reported by,

                              PCS Gloria Rennie - Murray,
                              Kings and Queens E-News Reporter

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