Page 30 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 30

The Kings and Queens

                     Seen and Heard Around The District

                            DISTRICT DIABETES COMMITTEE UPDATE

          The Diabetes Committee has been   We also had the privilege of learning
          very busy bringing awareness to our   from Dr. Trisha Newaz from North-
          community and the Lions in our   well Health who shared her expertise
          District.                     about the different types of Diabetes,
                                        the related risk factors and treatment
          We are very proud to announce that   options.
          Lion Iris Medas, Brooklyn Rising
          Stars Lions Club A1c is at 5.1. She   The “Health and Fitness Program”
          thanks everyone who has played a   continues every Saturday morning
          role and shared information on the   during our Zoom workouts.
          District Diabetes page. She has also
          been distributing             The Caribbean island of St. Vincent
          Diabetes information with her club   needs medical supplies, following the
          at a food pantry in Brooklyn.   disastrous volcanic eruption.   The
                                        Diabetes Committee contributed by
          “Zoom” has allowed us to stay con-  sending over 45 Disaster Relief Kits.
          nected and continue our mission to   This will be an ongoing project, as
          fight against Diabetes. We were   long as there is a need.
          honored to accept the invitation to
          partner with Brooklyn Transition   Reported by,
          Lions Club and share strategies to   Lion Mildred Ramirez
          treat and recover from Diabetes.   District 20-K1 Diabetes Chairperson

               NEW VOICE FOR
               DIABETES CARE

                         at                She has now sponsored her
                                           daughter, Lion Dr.Shonnell
                 LIONS CLUB                McBain, a recent graduate in
                                           the field of internal medicine.
           Charter member Lion Dr. Sharon   The mother - daughter team
           Ogiste has been a strong advo-  presents at Diabetes Forums,
           cate for the prevention and man-  bringing information, especially
           agement of pre-diabetes and dia-  on pediatric diabetes,
           betes. She has card for newborn
           patients, mentored adults in the   Prepared by,
           Brooklyn community and          Lion Donna Budhai  Charter
           presented at educational        President

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