Page 35 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 35

The Kings and Queens


            ST. VINCENT VOLCANO                                                       FOOD DRIVE FOR
               DISASTER RELIEF                                                      VINCENTIAN FAMILY
          ‘WHERE THERE’S A NEED,
              THERE ARE LIONS!”                                                 Lions Hermelene Thomas, Jennifer Parsons
                                                                                and Yolande Cadore of Brooklyn Crown
                                                                                Heights Lions Club saw the need to help a
         On behalf of the victims of the volcanic                               Vincentian Family and so they took action.
         eruption in St. Vincent, VDG Ingrid An-                                On April 23, 2021, they collected and deliv-
         drews - Campbell (Campaign Organizer)                                  ered non-perishable food items and boys’
         thanks the responding clubs for their gen-                             clothing to a family from St. Vincent and the
         erous donation of time and supplies.  Con-                             Grenadines who was affected by the La Sou-
         tributing clubs included Hollis, Woodside                              friere Volcano Disaster.
         Interamerican, Springfield Gardens, Rich-
         mond Hill / South Ozone Park, Rego Park                                The project was spearheaded by Lion Her-
         Forest Hills, (See photos below)                                       melene Thomas and it was very successful.
                                                                                Apart from Lions Hermelene, Jennifer and
         Hearty thanks to Brooklyn Caribe Lions                                 Yolande’s personal contribution, they also
         Club for the items donated and the mone-                               received donations from other individuals.
         tary contribution to the “St. Vincent and The                          The items included canned foods like tuna,
         Grenadine Volcano Relief Project”.                                     sardine, carnation and condensed milk, beans,
         (See photos)
                                                                                toiletries, toilet tissues, hand sanitizers and
         Special appreciation to PDG Melissa                                    much more.  The donation was made specifi-
         Torres for the personal monetary dona-                                 cally to a chosen family and was shipped for
         tion, and Lion Beverly Campbell                                        direct distribution to those individuals of her
         (Central Brooklyn) for the use of her                                  village who were directly impacted by the
         school facility as a collection center.                                disaster.

         We also acknowledge the generous
         personal financial contributions from                                  Reported by,
         PDG Charles McBride and Lion Nan-
         cy. “PDG Charly, you are truly dedi-                                   Lion Yolande Cadore
         cated to Emergency and Disaster Relief.                                Kings and Queens E-News Reporter
         Your contribution was unique!”  Lions
         Fern and John, we thank you for the
         charitable gifts.

         The gallery of photos show the Lions and
         Leos of Kingstowne, St. Vincent, as they
         prepare to distribute the donated food
         supplies and water to the most vulnerable
         displaced communities on the leeward
         side of the island.  They are grateful for
         our support.

         “Thank you, fellow Lions, Leos  and
         other supporters far and wide who con-
         tributed so tremendously to this effort, as
         we continue to honor our motto. “We

         With deep appreciation,
         VDG Ingrid Andrews - Campbell

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