Page 37 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 37

The Kings and Queens

                                OTHER DISTRICT DOINGS

          “GRAB N GO” @ HOLLIS
          On Saturday May 22, 2021 the Hollis
          Lions hosted a “Gab and Go” lunch.
          We served 140 dinners, of which a few
          were donated to seniors in the commu-
          It was a beautiful day, and everyone
          had a great time just being out and able
          to see friends after a year of Zoom. We
          thank all who volunteered, donated and
          purchased and contributed to the suc-
          cess of the event.  We have already
          been asked to host another one soon.

           Reported by,
          Lion Susana Castro

                   MOTHER’S DAY CARE PACKAGES
                          SERVED WITH LOVE                                       Central Brooklyn

         On Friday May 7, 2021, Lion Her-                                    Serves with Kindness
         melene Thomas of Brooklyn Crown
         Heights Lions Club donated a total                                            and love
         of 33 Mother’s Day Care Packages
         to the mothers of Fannie Barnes
         Residence Family Shelter in Brook-
         lyn.  The packages included Bath &
         Body Works Skin Care Products.
         The mothers were delighted to re-
         ceive their Mother’s Day gifts
          Reported by:

         Lion Yolande Cadore
         Kings and Queens E-News Reporter

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