Page 38 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 38

Volume V111, No. 6

                                OTHER DISTRICT DOINGS

                         KINDNESS MATTERS                                        HEALTH EDUCATORS
                       AT HOME AND ABROAD                                       PREPARE FOR HEALTH
                  (Queens Community Lions Club)

                                                                         Caring for loved ones at home or checking on them from
                                                                         out of town during the pandemic has been a challenge.
          When news that last month’s heavier                            Managing medications and medical devices added to the
          than normal rainy season had caused                            difficulty, especially where social distancing was highly
          widespread flooding and washed                                 recommended and a Health Care Plan did not exist.
          away homes, roads and farmland of
          more than 7,000 people in the small                            The Brooklyn Health Educators Lions Club was happy
          South American country of Guyana,                              to welcome Lion Toluwalope  Ayorinde, Pharmacist,
          Queens Community Lions Club                                    educator  and manager of Chemplus Pharmacy Corp in
          mounted an emergency relief cam-                               Brooklyn.  This is a small but professionally run busi-
          paign.  (see photos)                                           ness which offers personalized health care services, free
                                                                         prescription delivery and education to community mem-
          The floods threaten to exacerbate the                          bers, concerning preparedness for health emergencies.
          spread of COVID-19 because resi-
          dents are displaced and crowded into                           Lion Toluwalope can be reached at 718-935-1033, Fax
          make-shift shelters with little or no                          718-935-1113 at 1336 Utica Ave, Brooklyn 11203
          access to health care, food or clean
          water.  The club assembled 1,000
          face shields, face masks, adult
          diapers and a quantity of hand                                 Prepared by,
          sanitizers to be distributed to the                            Lion Donna Budhai
          victims, frontline workers, and
          medical personnel.

          Special acknowledgment to our ‘on
          the ground’ liaison, Mr. Victor Singh
          who will be coordinating the clea-
          rance at customs and distribution to
          the relevant personnel at the CDC in

           Kudos to all the Lions who assisted
          with this program! Great job Lions.

          Reported by,
          Lion Indarjeet Paul,

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