Page 33 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 33

The Kings and Queens


          Substantial Relief
            Response from                                              Thursday, April 29, resulted in major flooding,
                                     and proprietor of these locations for so
                                                                       landslides and mudflows.
                                     generously tolerating the constant
            20-K1 Lions to                                             The overwhelmingly generous and immediate
                                     traffic and providing the space for
          St. Vincent & the          storing the large number of offerings.   response from our Lions of Brooklyn and Queens
                                                                       is a manifestation of our Kind and Loving Service,
              Grenadines             Donations, financial and in kind, came   and powerfully highlights and emphasizes that
                                     from every part of Brooklyn and
                                     Queens - from Lions Clubs, individual   “Where there’s a Need, there’s a Lion” is no emp-
         Wow! District 20-K1 Lions, you   Lions and other community organiza-  ty statement. Well Done, K1!
         rock!                       tions. Thank you to the following for
                                     so generously responding: Afro Amer-
         With the approval of DG Jacqueline   ican Parents Educational Centers Inc.,
         V. Phillips, on April 11, an appeal   District 20-K1 clubs and entities -
         went out to Lions of our district to   Bedford Stuyvesant, Brookville, Car-
         help those affected by the eruptions   ibe, Central Brooklyn, Clarendon
         of the La Soufriere volcano which   Meadows, Clinton Hill, Crown
         took place on April 9, 2021 on the   Heights, District 20-K1 Diabetes Com-
         main island of the Caribbean nation   mittee, East Elmhurst Columbia, East
                                     New York, Farragut, Hollis, Jefferson,
         of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.   Kings County, Laurelton, Leaders,
         And the response from our Lions?   Little Neck Douglaston, Metropolis,
         Massive. M-A-S-S-I-V-E!     Mid Bedford Heights Lions Founda-
                                     tion, Inc., Midwood, Rego Park Forest
         As of June 21, the Lions of Brooklyn   Hills, Richmond Hill, Rising Stars, St.
         and Queens have packed and   Albans, Springfield Gardens, Starrett
         shipped eighteen (18) commercial   City Spring Creek, Stuy Park, Transi-
         bins and twenty-five (25) jumbo   tion, Winthrop, Winthrop Leo Club,
         barrels. Most of us know what a   Woodside Interamerican – Order of
         jumbo barrel looks like. How about a   Feather Faternity and United Negro
         commercial bin? That measures   Improvement Association. Financial
         48”X40”X34.” Yea, huge!
                                     donations to help cover the considera-
         In those containers was everything   ble cost of shipping came from these
         from soup to nuts – LITERALLY!   Individual Lions: Adina Callender,
         There were products for the home   Antoinette Calliste-Owens, Beryl Bur-
         and items for everyone from babies   ris, Charles & Nancy McBride, Donna
         to senior citizens. VDG Ingrid An-  Budai, Dorothy Providence, Ernestine
         drews-Campbell coordinated the   Harrison, Evelyn Frias, Faye Carter,
         collection and packing of donations   Fern Rashkover, Jean Providence,
         that included water, non-perishable   Joan Bryan, Jocelyn Matheson, John
         foods, cleaning products, face masks   Duane, Joice Knuckles, Jose Santiago,
         and shields, hand sanitizer, gloves,   Melissa Rivera-Torres, Sandra Lee
         toiletries, feminine personal products   Daniel, Susana Castro and TyEast
         and underwear, children’s under-  Bobb.
         wear, diapers (baby & adult), baby   Volcanic lava flow on the northern
         formula and clothes, bath towels and   third of the island has destroyed every-
         wash cloths, bed sheets, wireless   thing in its path – crops, animals,
         glucose monitoring kits, and tarps.
                                     homes – leading to a water shortage.
         For weeks, the collection locations at   Two of the island’s five hospitals had
         112-06 Sutphin Boulevard in Queens   to be evacuated and more than 20,000
         and 747 E. 101 Street and 3405 Clar-  people were displaced from their
         endon Road in Brooklyn looked like   homes in the “Red Zone” to the south-
         warehouses. The door bells were   ern end of the island or even to neigh-
         ringing late into several nights as our   boring islands such as St. Lucia or
         Lions, and other community organi-  Barbados. To compound the hardships
         zations, dropped off their generous   that the
         donations. District 20-K1 whole-  people of St. Vincent & the Grena-
         heartedly thanks the homeowners   dines are facing, heavy rainfall on

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