Page 34 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 34
Volume V111, No. 6
BRPPKLYN CROWN and Nickell Best is the son of Lion
HEIGHTS LIONS CLUB Hermelene Thomas, a member of
PARTNERS WITH THE Brooklyn Crown Heights Lions Club.
FRATERNITY Reported by,
Lion Yolande Cadore
On April 23, 2021, the Order of Feathers
Fraternity joined with Brooklyn Crown Kings and Queens E-News Reporter
Heights Lions Club and donated non-
perishable food items, toiletries and mone-
tary donations to District 20-K1 Lions Club
St. Vincent La Soufriere Disaster Relief
Project. The three Feather Men (as they are
usually referred to), Dahrel Cadore, Tavari
Cadore and Nickell Best from the Brooklyn
Chapter, made the presentation to District
Governor Jacqueline Phillips and Second
Vice District Governor Ingrid Andrews
Campbell, who is spearheading the project.
The Feather Men appreciated the District
Governor and Second Vice District Gover-
nor taking time from their busy schedule to
accept the donations. District Governor
Jackie and Second Vice District Governor
Ingrid thanked the Order of Feather Frater-
Snow? Oh, no! That’s ash! Volcanic ash. nity and expressed their appreciation for
their contribution towards the Relief Project.
The Order of Feather Fraternity is a Service
Organization founded in 1946. It was origi-
nally founded to combat the drug epidemic
in Harlem in the 40’s. As the Organization
grew, they saw the need to serve other com-
munities such as Brooklyn, Queens, the
Bronx and Maryland. The Brooklyn Chap-
ter was founded in 1995. The Organization
pledges young men from age 14.
In the Crown Heights area, this Brooklyn
Chapter has organized and executed Annual
Toy Drives in the community to include
Providence House, Thanksgiving Feeding of
the Homeless and also participated in the
Bahamas Relief Drive and now the Joint
Venture with Brooklyn Crown Heights Li-
Club for the St. Vincent La Soufriere Disas-
ter Relief. The Order of Feathers Fraternity
expressed their desire for future Joint Com-
munity projects with the Lions Club.
I would be remiss if I did not mention that
Dahrel and Tavari Cadore are my grandsons
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