Page 25 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
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The Kings and Queens
On behalf of the Past District Governors’ Association, a committee chaired by PDG Alvin Brereton recently announced that
Lion Christine Kirton was the recipient of the Earl and Ruth Williams Service Award for 2021.
I would like to express our congratulations to Lion Christine on this well-deserved honor. Lion Christine’s years of service,
her tremendously positive attitude, her dedication to sharing our story in the MD20 magazine for many years, and her con-
sistent acts of service and kindness are remarkable.
I witnessed just how reliable and how generous she is with her time just last year. During the spring and summer of 2020; we
had to scramble at times to find ways to deliver thousands of PPE to medical facilities and First Responders. On more than
one occasion, Lion Christine, aware of our need for Lions to assist with these deliveries jumped in to help. She had no diffi-
culty packing up her car to the max and driving around Brooklyn to deliver sacks of these items. She not only delivered; but,
she and other Lions also met with administrators at the facilities to thank the First Responders for their lifesaving work.
This IS the spirit of this award. It recognizes Lions for their commitment to serving others over a long period of time. Lion
Christine continues to answer the call and we are a “Pride” that is so much more because of her long-standing dedication to
“Thank you, Lion Christine! Like my parents, Earl and Ruth Williams, former recipients, Dr. Ismael Holipas, PCS Aida
Wilson, and Lion Leila Haynes you inspire all of us to serve with kindness and heart”.
Jackie Williams, PDG
presented to
I submitted the application without expecting to be the water at the NYC marathon and at the West Indian
candidate selected to receive this distinguished award. American Labor Day parades. I collected socks to be
In 1991, I was invited by Lion Dennis DaCosta Reid, donated to the homeless on the streets of NYC and to
to join the Brooklyn Prospect Heights Lions club. the staff at nursing homes during this pandemic. I
This year marks my 30th. Anniversary of continuous have also participated in several community-based
community service. Over the course of this Lionistic programs sponsored by USA-Canada Forums in dif-
Journey, I worked with many of the PDGs and served ferent states. In the pre-pandemic days, my mother
whenever I was needed, whether as a club member, a and I regularly visited the Crown Heights Marcus
Garvey Pavilion Nursing Home, to socialize with the
District supporter or at the international level. Since residents who looked forward to our conversations. At
2014, I have also served as a reporter, then a proof one of these meetings, I was presented with a t-shirt
reader for The Kings and Queens E-News. When I that said. “Not all heroes wear capes”. This recogni-
visit other countries I try to connect with a local Lions tion remains among my most cherished gifts. Since
club. Over the years, I have developed relationships the limitations effected by COVID-19, I maintain
with Lions in Jamaica, WI, Guyana, South Africa and connections with the residents via video chat.
my home of St. Lucia.
I thank the committee for selecting me.
Among my several acts of humanitarian service, I I enjoy doing what we took an oath to do “We Serve”.
participated in projects to alleviate hunger among the
elderly and engaged youth at a Christmas party in
Castries, St. Lucia during one of my visits. In sup- Lion Christine Kirton
port of District 20-K1, I volunteered to distribute
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