Page 18 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 18
Volume V111, No. 6
ATTENDEES: needed service. Therefore,
IFVP Douglas Alexander, CC / meetings can be virtual, hybrid
IPDG Deborah Harrison, DG or in-person, depending on the 3rd. GENERAL MEETING
Jacqueline V. Phillips, membership. The versatility
PCC Gloria V. Askew, 5 PDGs, may even be more attractive
2 VDGs, Cabinet Officers, Re- to new members with family
gion, Zone and Committee constraints. “Although this 103rd. International Convention will be very
Chairs and 189 members repre- ~ Suggestions: different from every other Convention, we will get through this
senting 58 clubs. lions Lions and find an opportunity to celebrate at a later date”, IFVP
Douglas Alexander reassured District 20-K1.”Besides”, he
IFVP DOUG’S REPORT: Learning Center added, “a virtual Convention provides the right set of circum-
In the coming Lionistic year, the GAT REPORTS: stances that will appeal to Lions who have never experienced
GMA (Global Membership A Guiding Lion Certification the fellowship and thrill of an International Convention”
Approach) will replace NAMI Session is scheduled for May.
and will be rolled out across all Current membership is 1,954 but “Despite the challenges,” he announced, “MyLion data indi-
6 Constitutional Areas. The 2 clubs were lost. Congratula- cates an increase in membership. New Specialty Clubs have
first virtual Tel-A-Thon was a tions to the champions of change been chartered and Lionism is headed in the right direction.
great success, attracting over who, with safety protocol, con- More importantly, Lions continued to offer valuable service to
7,000 viewers globally. To tinued to provide needed service vulnerable communities.”
date, donations have reached during the Pandemic. .He complimented DG Jacqueline V. Phillips for her astute
$850,000 for Campaign 100. leadership and our NAMI Champion, PDG Jacqueline Wil-
LCIF BRIEFS: liams for her exceptional service. The process was a success in
The 100/100 Club was explained Constitutional Area 1 and will be rolled out globally as “The
DG JACKIE’S ADDRESS: with a plea for club participation. Global Membership Approach.”
“Thanks for your support Brooklyn Crown Heights and
through the year. I appreciate Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Donations from the Campaign 100 TeleThon held virtually in
your enthusiastic willingness to were complimented for their April 2021, topped $750,000. IFVP Doug hopes that additional
participate in the video that will donations to LCIF. Donations of support would total $1,000,000. With over 7,000 global par-
be programmed into IFVP cleaning supplies, food, water ticipants, plans for an annual event are being discussed.
Doug’s installation as Interna- and medicine were shipped to St.
tional President and the virtual Vincent, following the disaster In conclusion, he thanked the Lions and Leos for their support
parade at the Convention in caused by the volcanic eruption. during the campaign and for their dedication to servicing the
Montreal.” She thanked PCC underserved and marginalized communities.
Winster for his friendship and OTHER UPDATES:
support of District 20-K1. * The Veterans Committee con-
tinues the weekly distribution of Prepared by,
PCC WINSTER CEBALLOS food to over 400 families. Socks
(Guest Speaker) and hats were distributed at St.
~ For members who are still Albans Hospital and Hollis Gar- PCS Gloria Rennie - Murray,
Kings and Queens E-News Reporter
hesitant about in-person service: dens Veterans’ Residence.
LCI offers options for virtual * The Mental Health Team
projects (see below) urged Lions to practice self-care
~ Strategies for attracting young to alleviate Pandemic and Zoom
adults, seniors or First Respond- Fatigue. They are scheduled to
ers with families? present at MD20 Convention.
Identify service projects that * Literature about Diabetes Man-
involve family and friends and agement and Prevention is dis-
creates a mutually enjoyable tributed weekly at local food
balance between service and pantries. Supplies were donated
family to the St. Vincent Volcano Relief
~ The keys to success as a Zone Project. The team will present at
Chair require the ability to com- MD20 Convention.
municate clearly, actively listen, * St. Vincent Disaster Relief is
then suggest advise. “Your chaired by VDG Ingrid Andrews
Club: Your Way”, Always let - Campbell. Thanks to Lions”
the club make their own final donations, non-perishable food,
decisions. water, medicine and health sup-
~ The Pandemic taught us that plies were shipped to a local
Lions have the capacity to Lion’s Club, for distribution.
change quickly and intentionally An Emergency Grant for
adjust to new circumstances. $10,000 has been requested from
The Lion’s mission is to provide LCIF.
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