Page 17 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 17

The Kings and Queens

                                 VIRTUAL TOWN HALL MEETING


                                 IFVP DOUGLAS X. ALEXANDER

          In 20-K1 style, DG Jacqueline Phil-  IFVP Doug’s Resolutions With   Leos will be thrilled to welcome   and embraced the opportunity to be
          lips welcomed the distinguished   Intentionality.    Malala Yousafzai, the youth activist   trend-setters and engage in the
          International dignitaries, prominent                 from Pakistan and youngest Nobel   virtual classrooms. Their Districts
          visiting guests from MD20, our local   In response to questions from the   Prize Laureate, who will be the   have prepared colorful videos for the
          officials, Lions and Leos.   floor, moderated by PDG Leroy   keynote speaker at the virtual Inter-  unprecedented, historic Virtual Inter-
                                   Foster, IFVP Doug encouraged   national Convention.    national Parade.  To date, there are
          “It is mind-blowing phenomenon to   clubs to begin planning now, by             more than 13,100 convention
          see what the Fund Raising Commit-  reaching out to Lions who are still   Incorporated in the Global Cause of   registrants.   Without doubt, the
          tee has achieved, despite the       inactive.  Without doubt, there is an   Vision, support services will be   incoming District Governors are well
          challenges of the pandemic”, an-  important task for every volunteer.   increased for the blind and visually   prepared and eager to begin the
          nounced Lion Abegale Colter, Com-  Let us reach out with that personal   challenged.  LCI supports Special   Post-Pandemic Year of Lionistic
          mittee Chair.”And it is rewarding to    one-to-one approach.   Olympics and related Grant Funding   Leadership and Service!
          work with IFVP Doug and experi-                      is also available from LCIF.
          ence his genuine kindness, clear   IFVP Doug’s goal as President,               The final question was directed to
          vision astute leadership and passion      which is not related to Membership   In response to another question, he   Campaign 100 which has been
          for community service!”   or Leadership, is a focus on Service      advised that Clubs become stagnat-  extended until June 2022, with the
                                   Reporting, because only 48% of   ed and members lose interest when   goal   of raising $300 million.  The
          PID Gary Anderson thanked IFVP   clubs are in compliance today.   they stop serving.  Even during   recent TeleThon raised almost
          Doug for accepting the appointment.                  “seasonal changes,” it is critical to   $700,000 and every dollar is ear-
          “You are the best equipped to lead   Beginning in July 2021, The Global   support member satisfaction with   marked, without administrative
          and serve the Lions of the world, so   Membership Approach (formerly   fun and fellowship.  Members can   costs, to satisfy global emergencies.
          we can serve the public”.   The NAMI Project) with its focus on   even develop creative ways to offer   To date $1.1 Billion has been donat-
                                   recruitment, membership and reten-  service to each other.  LCI also   ed for COVID Relief around the
          IFVP Doug’s Message.     tion, will expand globally to include   provides  multiple opportunities to   world.
                                   all districts.  LCI will train the Zone   try something new.  Additionally,
          “For the first time in its history, LCI   Chairs and align them with the ap-  MYLion also reports global service   Tributes to IFVP Doug.
          changed the Constitution and By-  propriate tools for pivoting the model   projects     from which a stagnated
          Laws to adapt to a Virtual Conven-  to reach the grass roots club mem-  club can gain renewed motivation.   PIP Al Brandel:
          tion in Montreal,” IFVP Doug noted.   bers.                                     “I am confident that VP Doug will
          “But then,” he added, “Will clubs                    On the issue about encouraging   bring hope out of the darkness. As
          return to normalcy as we prepare to   A young Leo to Lion was concerned   community partnerships, IFVP Doug   the leader of the world’s greatest
          move into the 21st. century?”   about Leos’ recruitment practices.   advised that the success of commu-  service organization, he will grow
                                   IFVP Doug assured her that Leo   nity partnerships is directly related to   and groom LCI to become the great-
          “Yes! As we reflect on 2020, we see   sustainability is directly related to   publicizing the humanitarian service   est rebuilders of communities.  And I
          that Lions continued to serve safely    the transition from Leoism to Lion-  provided by Lions of the world.    am excited about our future.   We
          We supported our struggling com-  ism that must become a seamless   Each community is responsible for   are coming into a new world of
          munities and assisted First Re-  graduation.  We expect young adults   promoting community visibility,   service!”
          sponders with food, masks and   to bring “New Voices”and futuristic   which will invite like-minded partner-
          PPE.                     approaches to service in our rapidly   ships.  It should not be a secret that   ID Gary Brown:
          LCIF contributed to projects that   evolving communities.  The USA /   275 million people have benefitted   “Come to New York if you want to
          were too costly for clubs alone.   Canada Leos Leadership Forum has   from Lions’ service across the pan-  see it done right!  You make New
          As we move forward, seasoned   been organized to attract hundreds   demic stricken world.  An important   York proud!  Thanks for your ser-
          Lions must allow grass roots Lions   of youth with fresh, varied ideas.  A   reporting, sharing and acquiring of   vice!”
          the opportunity to develop a leader-  Leo representative will also be ap-  new partnerships, rests with regular
          ship resume and serve in govern-  pointed to the decision-making body   reporting on MyLion.   IFVP Doug’s Response
          ance positions.          of LCI’s Board of Directors. Beyond                    “Thanks to all the participants from
          Let’s use the NAMI Model and in-  the Pandemic, LCI is looking to the   “Are the DG_ Elects ready to as-  across the United States, Caribbe-
          crease membership to provide addi-  Leos to stimulate   the service goal   sume leadership without in-person   an, Canada and Europe. Let’s
          tional service providers!  The chal-  of Lionism into the next century,   training?”  a concerned panelist   change the world together!”
          lenge…..Each One Brings One to   using the various technology plat-  asked.
          surpass a goal of 2.5 or even 2.8   forms.  IFVP Doug promised to   “Yes, they are”, IFVP Doug respond-  The Toast.
          millions.”               showcase the service and talents of   ed emphatically. “They are excited    “Not above you,
                                   Leos across the world stage!  All                      Not beneath you,
                                                                                          But with you!”

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