Page 24 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 24

V o l u m e   V 1 1 ,     N o .   6 .                                                                                        P a g e   2 4

                               Good Morning Lions,

                               Please know that you and your family continue
                               to be in my prayers as we go through this Coro-
                               navirus Pandemic.

                               In keeping with “Stay Home, Save Lives” rec-
                    Special Announcement
                               ommendations, our upcoming Officers Training    May 27, 2020
                               will be a Virtual Workshop scheduled for June
                               2020. For all newly elected Club Officers, Pres-  My fellow Lions,
                               idents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Membership
                               Chairs, Region Chairs and Zone Chairs, we       I hope all is well with you and your family.
                               have attached E-Books for each position for you
                               to download and read prior to participating in   Together, we are facing a tru-
                               the workshop.                                   ly unprecedented situation. During this time,
                                                                               we are supporting our communities of
                               Kindly start reading the E-Book that pertains to   Brooklyn and Queens where we live and work.
                               your upcoming position for Lionistic Year 2020  As we come to the end of this Lionistic year,
                               -2021 and record any questions you may have.    please consider a Donation to your Lions
                                                                               District 20-K1 Foundation. We are
                               You will be receiving an email regarding the    committed to being a partner and preserving
                               date and time of your Virtual Workshop from     together as we deal with the difficult times
                               the PDG who will facilitate the training.       ahead. This moment reminds us that we are all
                                                                               connected like never before.
                               Please continue to be safe and well.
                                                                               Take this opportunity to honor those Lion
                               Yours in Lionism,                               members and front-line workers who are serv-
                                                                               ing during this pandemic by giving an
                               PDG Audrey P. Doorn                             'Alexander T Wells Award or the Corner Stone
                               District 20-K1                                  Award. Your contribution will make an impact
                                                                               on the people we serve.

                                                                               We were proud to award limited "Emergency
                                                                               Grant" as a foundation to clubs in Brooklyn
                                                                               and Queens. However, we regret to inform you
                                 From: Haque, Bipasha <>      that at this time grants are closed for 2020.
                                 Date: Wed, May 27, 2020, 2:12 PM
                                 Subject: Thank You From NYC Health + Hospi-   Thank you for your continuing support and
                                 tals/Queens                                   consideration.
                                 To: Deborah Harrison <>,
                                                       Stay safe

                                 Cc: Weisman, David <>      Have a great day.

                                                                               Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell
                                 Hello,                                        President
                                                                               Lions of District 20-K1 Foundation, Inc.
                                 We sincerely thank you for your generous donation   "All Great Achievements Require Time" -
                                 for the staff at NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens. It   Maya Angelou
                                 was delicious and greatly appreciated by all. I have
                                 attached a few pictures from today.

                                 Thank you again for your generosity.

                                 Thank you!

                                 Bipasha Haque
                                 Patient Relation Representative
                                 Patient Relations/Patient Experience
                                 NYC Health + Hospitals / Queens
                                 Phone: 718-883-2041
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