Page 19 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 19

P a g e   1 9                                                        K i n g s   a n d   Q u e e n s

                                                  Seen and Heard

                                                Around The District

                                    Touching Lives and Delivering Hope

               GIVING BACK NEWS              Restaurant, Bakewell’s,  Hacks  Hallal  Res-
                     (Summary)               taurant and the Elevate Lounge.
           RICHMOND HILL / SOUTH               To  date,  we  have  made  61  trips  to  health
               OZONE PARK LIONS              care facilities and military installations and
                                             served 10,950 hot  lunches to our frontline
           Starting in early Spring 2020, the COVID-  heroes.  Additionally,  RHSOP  Lions  orga-
                                             nized  a  food  hamper  distribution  to  the
           19  virus  disrupted  the  normalcy  of  life  in
           New York City, and especially in District 20  community.    This  attracted  very  positive
                                             responses as well. On Sunday May 3, near-
           -K1.    Abruptly,  thousands  of  low-income   ly  1,000  community  residents,  all  masked
           and already impoverished families lost their   and  gloved,  received  a  grocery  hamper.
           jobs  and  their  loved  ones.    Hospitals  and   (see photos in gallery)  By the  end of the
           medical professionals were overwhelmed by   day, 25,000 lbs. of food items were distrib-
           the  rapidly  increasing  number  of  critically   uted  in 783 hampers.  The  generosity  by  a              Door to door delivery
           infected patients and the simultaneous awk-
           ward  anxiety  of  insufficient  PPE.    Uncer-  coalition  of  civic  and  business  organiza-
                                             tions prove that “Kindness Matters.”
           tainty about the right solution to this devas-
           tation gripped our leaders.       The  Lions’  Motto  is  “WE  SERVE”  and
                                             the RHSOP Lions Club thanks Lion Quinn

           In  the  midst  of  a  shutdown  of  all  non-  Rawh, owner of  Elevate Lounge  and  Lion
                                             Nick  Agola of Sofia’s Pizza who organized
           essential  businesses  and  “stay  at  home”
           guidelines  to  curb  further  spread  of  this   this distribution. “He ain’t heavy, he’s my
           unprecedented  virus,  RHSOP  developed  a
           multi-faceted  strategic  Action  Plan  to  help      All donors and volunteers admitted to be-
           our community to cope with the devastating
           effects of the pandemic. We addressed our   ing  humbled  by  the  experience,  especially
                                             after receiving positive responses from the
           Health  Care  Heroes  /  First  Responders  for   recipients.  The  RHSOP  Lions  Club  was
           their life saving service. RHSOP Lions do-  represented by Lion President Romeo Hit-
           nated personal funds and solicited donations   lall,  1stVP  Lion  Motie  Phanisnaraine,   Lunch courtesy of RFSOP
           from  supportive  individuals  and  organiza-
           tions  to  prepare  and  deliver  individually   Treasurer  Lion  Devindra  Persaud,  Tail
                                             Twister Lion Quinn Rawh, Board members
           packed hot lunches to the hospitals, nursing
           homes,  NYPD  Precincts  and  FDNY  fire   Lion Johnnie Walker, Lion Hushana Foley
                                             and Lion Nirmala Singh. For several  days
           houses. (see photos in gallery)
                                             after  the  event,  hundreds  of  grateful  resi-
                                             dents  have  been  contacting  the  organizers
           The first project was conducted on April 10,
           at  the  Jamaica  Hospital  Medical  Center.   expressing gratitude for the giveaway. Our
                                             City  and  country  may  never  be  the  same
           RHSOP  Lions  delivered  250  lunches  pre-
           pared  by,  a  prominent  Queens  Restaurant.   again,  but  as  Lions  and  friends  fulfilled
                                             their  mission  of  service,  we  were  all  re-
           Accompanying  the  team  was  Ms.  Jennifer
           Bisram and crew from Channel PIX 11 TV   minded of the uncertainty of tomorrow. To
                                             date, RHSOP Lions Club has donated over
           News.  This  simple  gesture  of  caring  and
           appreciation was well received by the medi-  $75,000  of  in-kind  services  to  various
           cal  workers  who were gushing with thank-  Covid-19 Projects.

           fulness.                          Reported by,                            Hot Lunches are ready to be  serve
           RHSOP Lions realized that the service was   Lion Romeo Hitlall,
           timely,  and necessary.  The good news that
           “Where There’s A Need, There’s a Lion”),    President
           travelled  fast.    Our  friends  and  supporters
           suggested  other  medical  facilities  and  vol-
           unteered  to  assist  with  funding.  Although
           our Club is based in New York, our service
           extended to the Robert Wood Johnson Uni-
           versity Hospital, New Brunswick NJ  Here,
           the  frontline  staff  responded  with  much
           appreciation.  The Restaurants that support-
           ed  our  service  were  the  Golden  Arrow
           Lounge, Hibiscus Restaurant, Kaiteur
                                                                 Lunch time for Medical Staff
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