Page 17 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 17

P a g e   1 7                                                        K i n g s   a n d   Q u e e n s

                                                 Seen and Heard

                                               Around The District

                                   Touching Lives and Delivering Hope

                Identify a Gap and Meet a                          VIRTUAL INSTALLATION OF

                               Need                                            OFFICERS
                        Showing Appreciation                   AT SPRINGFIELD GARDENS LIONS
                  Beyond the Frontlines in Flatbush,                              CLUB
                                                              On June 9, 2020, the Springfield Gardens Lions Club, Inc ad-
                Brooklyn  Farragut  Lions  reached  out  to  workers  in   hered to social distancing and held its 2020-2021 Installation of
                our local Flatbush neighborhoods during the Covid -   Club  Officers  via  Zoom.    First  Vice  District  Governor  Elect
                19  Pandemic.      We  engaged  them  and  identified  a   Anthony Cochran facilitated the ceremony.  Before installing the
                specific need to serve meals to the Sunday evening   newly elected officers, he congratulated the current officers for
                and night shifts of Kings County Hospital Police.     hosting innovative programs such as the White Cane Awareness
                                                              Safety Day and Annual Charity Tea Social, during this past Li-
                Sixty  meals  and  refreshments  were  delivered  on   onstic year. He encouraged the newly elected officers to utilize
                Sunday  May  24   to  several  hospital  police.    They   the  resources  offered  by  LCI.  With  additional  leadership
                offer  security,  support  and  comfort  to  patients  and   training, their skills will be strengthened.
                staff  arriving  daily  from  the  neighborhoods  of
                Brownsville, East New York and Flatbush (some of   In  preparation  for  the  District  20-K1  Officers’  Training,  each
                the  most  affected  Covid  -19  areas  in  New  York   officer  should  preview  the  specific  responsibilities.    He
                City.)                                        especially encouraged Club President Elect Sandra Townsend to
                                                              become knowledgeable about the LCI Resources on “Your Club,
                Our  local  Key  Food  supermarket  employees  also   Your Way” and “Blueprint for a Stronger Club.”
                benefited from Farragut Lions’ desire to give back to
                the community.  On June 6    we presented 19 cas-  Club  members  congratulated  the  new  officers  and  expressed
                hiers  and  stock  workers  with  cash,  which  although   their  gratitude  to  the  outgoing  President,  Lion  Stephanie
                nominal, was graciously appreciated by everyone.   Simeon.  During her three year tenure, the club was recognized
                                                              by  LCI  and  District  20-K1  leadership  for  providing  excellent
                Thanks  to  our  Farragut  Lions  for  meeting  and   programs  and  services  to  the  community.  Although,  the
                brainstorming to arrive at practical and meaningful   celebration was held virtually, the club presented 1VDG Elect
                ways to serve our local community!            Anthony  Cochran  a  gift  of  appreciation  for  being  our  speaker
                                                              and installing the 2020-2021 Club Officers.

                Submitted By:                                 Submitted by,

                Michelle M. Griffith
                BFLC Secretary                                Lion Iris Allen,
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