Page 13 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 13

P a g e   1 3                                                        K i n g s   a n d   Q u e e n s

                                                  Seen and Heard

                                               Around The District

                                   Touching Lives and Delivering Hope

             Kindness Matters to Laurelton              NEW HORIZON                  VANDERVEER / GLEN-
                         Lions                        WELCOMES NEW                    WOOD LIONS ROAR,
            (Home Club of DG Deborah Harrison)            MEMBERS!                  “KINDNESS MATTERS!”.
                                                        THANKS, LION
           Laurelton Lions Club served respite lunches     SHIRLEY!               (Home Club of DGE  Jacqueline Phillips)
           to EMT service providers at Merrick Blvd. in
           Laurelton.  (See photos below)  Among the
           Lion members at this event, were DG / CCE   Despite the inconvenience of “Social   “Where There’s A Need, There’s a Lion!”
           Deborah Harrison and Lion President Sheila   Distancing” a solemn Induction Cere-  In the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic,
           Greene, who expressed their appreciation for   mony was conducted virtually. Lions   this group of dedicated Lions donated non-
           the EMT’s humanitarian responses to the   Brenda Clark and Shirley Baton were   perishable food, medical supplies and other
           needs of the community.                inducted by conference call.  Hearty   care products to CCMP - Coalition of Con-
                                                  “Thank You!” to their sponsor, Lion   cerned Medical Professionals at Kings-
           The Commander and other medical personnel   Shirley Carmino (Charter President and   brook Jewish Medical Center. (See photo)
           were grateful for the recognition and happy to   Club Treasurer) We thank ZC Prince
           be treated to a hot lunch and 50 bags of food   Felix for facilitating this protocol.   The other photo shows Ms. Sicily
           essentials.                                                            Liverpool, (at far right without Lion’s vest)
                                                  Submitted by,                   founder of Soaring Eagles Community
           Submitted by                           Lion Julia Brathwaite           Outreach Inc., who partnered with our club
           Lion Sheila Greene,                    President                       to support the cause  DGE Jacqueline
           President                                                              Phillips is on the far right. .

                                                                                  Submitted by,
                                                                                  Lion Judith Douglas
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