Page 11 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 11

P a g e   1 1                                                        K i n g s   a n d   Q u e e n s
                                                  Seen and Heard

                                                Around The District
                                   Touching Lives and Delivering Hope

                   THE VOICE OF A
                 SERVANT / LEADER
                  FROM THE FIELD.

             “It was a humbling but blessed oppor-
             tunity to volunteer my time during this
             COVID-19 Pandemic. I was motivated
             to  collect  the  much  needed  KN95
             masks  from  PIP  Al  Brandel.    With
             PDG  Barbara  Moody,  LCIF  Coordi-
             nator as my lead, i advanced the pre-
             paratory  groundwork  by  contacting
             the  Second  Vice  President  and  Chief
             Operations Officer of Brooklyn Health
             Systems.   About 900 face masks were
             delivered  to  Kingsbrook,  Brookdale
             and Interfaith Hospitals.

             It  was  heartwarming  to  return  to  the
             Dental  Clinic  at  Kingsbrook  Jewish
             Medical Center and present 100 masks
             to  Mr.  Vincent  Masud,  the  Service
             Administrator.    This  was  the  site  for
             my internship as a young dental assis-
             tant  where  services  are  provided  for
             impoverished families.

             On a more personal level, I am grate-
             ful  that  PDG  Barbara  and  I  dropped
             off 200 face masks at Forest Hills Sen-
             ior Care Center where my 87 year old
             mother resides and receives care.  This
             donation  is  critical  since  these  facili-
             ties  house one  of  the  most  vulnerable
             populations  for  COVID-19  infections
             and fatalities.

             We  have  scheduled  a  delivery  of  the
             last  300  KN95  face  masks  to  Mount
             Sinai Hospital in NYC. Based on first-
             hand information from Lion President
             Astrid  Castillo  (Brooklyn  Caribe
             Lions Club), there is a dire shortage
             of this PPE.

             I am so grateful for the opportunity
             to represent my club, my district and
             LCI as a servant leader.
             “We  Serve  because  Kindness  Mat-

             ZC Carolina Soto
             Woodside Interamerican Lions Club
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