Page 10 - Enews June 2020 Edition
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V o l u m e   V 1 1 ,     N o .   6 .
                                                                     Seen and Heard
               A  MENTAL HEALTH                                   Around The District

                                                     Touching Lives and Delivering Hope
           Cont. form previous page.

           Stress also makes it easier to forget things.
           Even if there's a chance of getting sick,   MINDFUL MOMENTS
           being too exhausted can keep us from
           putting the brakes on currently inappropri-  WITH METROPOLIS LIONS
           ate situations since doing so would require   RESPITE MEALS DELIVERED
           effort. "Complex decisions require a lot of
           energy and we can get tired when mak-
           ing those decisions about which risks are   …..on the move to serve the community by
           worth taking versus the rewards that we   delivering food to the PSA-2 precinct in
           get," Gollan said. Reduce your stress by   Brownsville Brooklyn, a neighborhood that
           practicing self-care: When you can,    was seriously impacted by the Coronavirus.
           exercise, cook a warm meal for yourself
           or  meditate.   Work on the values that
           help you feel good about yourself,
           Zillmer said. Feeling good is incompati-
           ble with anxiety and sadness, which can
           cause caution fatigue.

                 Shift Your Mindset
           You can't usually reproduce the initial
           survival instincts that kicked in at the start
           of the virus outbreak now that we're well
           past that first wave of awareness. So mak-
           ing smarter decisions also involves rear-
           ranging how you perceive risk and reward
           so that safety precautions no longer seem
           dreadful. Fear is no longer the motivation,
           so you need another source of inspiration.    ……hot meals were also distributed to
           Ask yourself, "What's the reward I get for   35 EMS workers at the FDNY Station
           the choices that I make relative to what   44 located at 266 Rockaway Ave
           I'm giving up?"    Maybe the reward   Brooklyn, NY 11233.
           is your health, or altruistically the health
           of your family or others. Or it's that you've
           mastered staying safe during the pandem-
           ic. Figuring out how you can safely do   Submitted by:
           some part of your normal routine can give
           your brain something else to control be-
           sides limiting your reactions to threats.   Lion Nicole Jones Follins
           And you can still feel in control of your   Brooklyn Metropolis Lions Club, Inc.

                   Reprinted from
                © 2020 Cable News
                   Network, Inc. A
              WarnerMedia Company.

                    June 12, 2020
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