Page 14 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 14

V o l u m e   V 1 1 ,     N o .   6 .                                                                                        P a g e   1 4

                                                  Seen and Heard

                                                Around The District

                                   Touching Lives and Delivering Hope

           BROOKLYN PROSPECT                      CENTRAL BROOKLYN                     BROOKLYN CROWN
               HEIGHTS LIONS                      HOSTS PIZZA PARTY                      HEIGHTS LIONS
             ARE “REAL HEROES AND             It was an effort to help alleviate some stress   “GOOD MORNING BREAKFAST”
                    SHE-ROES:                 caused by the COVID- 19 Pandemic.  We
          When the Lions visited the Crown Heights   arranged a Pizza Party.  The goal of this   On May 27th, the Essential Workers at two
          Marcus Garvey Rehab and Nursing Home   Service Project was to express our apprecia-  Long-term Care Facilities, Bushwick Nursing
          in Brooklyn, they gifted 18 boxes of pizza   tion to the dedicated and committed Essen-  Home and Mill Basin Nursing Home were
          to the staff.  This donation demonstrated an   tial Workers in the Emergency Section at   served a delicious Caribbean - style breakfast.
          appreciation for their invaluable humanitari-  SUNY Downstate Hospital.
          an service to the most fragile in this com-                             The caregivers at both institutions were very
          munity.  Bottles of water were also distrib-  Nurses, doctors and other related service   excited and appreciative of this respite meal
          uted.  (See photos)                 providers enjoyed their pizza       that comprised “comfort food” of "bake and
          In recognition of our gesture, each of the   party and thanked the Lions for the generous   salt-fish. The service providers at Mill Basin
          seven members was presented with a T-  donations.                       Nursing Home reported,
          shirts that announced, “REAL HEROES
          DON’T NEED CAPES”                   Lions of the world salute all caregivers for    "On behalf of all the staff at Mill Basin, thank
          Recipients were PCC Gloria Askew, Lions   their resolve to serve others. We honor and   you for the mouth-watering bake and salt fish
          Warren Denny,(President), Norma Blaize,   appreciate you ALL!!!         dish.   We are “over the moon” with this un-
          Pauline Grant, Elaine White, Christine                                  expected and generous gift. Kudos to the Li-
          Kirton and Silma Thorpe.            THEY SERVE TOO!!!                   ons of Brooklyn Crown Heights Lions Club.

                                              ZC Ty'East Alleyne-Bobb             Reported by,
          Reported by,                        Public Relations Chair              Lion Mark DeVarel,
          Lion Christine Kirton.                                                  President
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