Page 15 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 15

P a g e   1 5                                                        K i n g s   a n d   Q u e e n s

                                                  Seen and Heard

                                               Around The District

                                   Touching Lives and Delivering Hope

                                     LAURELTON  LIONS CLUB/VFW POST 5298
                                            HISTORY OF MEMORIAL DAY

                                         Memorial Day is a time to reflect,
                   (Home Club of
               DG Deborah Harrison)     remember, and appreciate the service
                                        performed by each person.  It is a day
           Memorial Day, originally known as   to remember every fallen warrior who
           Decoration Day, originated in the   gave everything, even his life, in ser-
           years following The Civil War and   vice to this country.
           became an official Federal Holiday
           in 1971. Many Americans observe   “There is nothing happy about Memo-
           Memorial Day by visiting cemeter-  rial Day when you are remembering
           ies, participating in memorial pa-  your fellow brothers and sisters who
           rades or holding family gatherings.   never made it back and all the brave
                                        men and women who have fought and
           In 1966, the Federal Government   died for your country and freedom.
           declared Waterloo, New York as the    Those of us, who have carried the
           official birthplace of Memorial Day   burden of service, especially in war
           and designated May 5, 1866 as the   time, will always remember and never
           official holiday. This particular site   forget our fallen warriors who now   Photos show DG Deborah Harrison (Laurelton) at
           was chosen because it already hosted   stand their post for God”.
           an annual community wide event.                            30th Memorial Day Observance  at Veterans’
           Businesses were closed and residents   Submitted by,       Triangle in Queens with other Lions and veterans.
           decorated the graves of soldiers with   Lion Lenworth James
           flowers and flags.

           Originally, Memorial Day or Deco-
           ration Day as it gradually became
           known, honored only those lost
           while fighting in the Civil
           War.  However, during World War
           1, about 116,516 lives were lost and
           the United States found itself em-
           broiled in another major con-
           flict.  The holiday then evolved to
           commemorate American Military
           personnel who died in all wars.

              World War II = 405,399 service
              The Korean War = 33,686
              The Vietnam War =58,479
              The War in Iraq = 4,404
              The War in Afghanistan =
               1,086 lives lost.

           Today, their ultimate sacrifice is
           memorialized on the last Monday in
           May and it is also a Federal Holiday.
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