Page 21 - Enews June 2020 Edition
P. 21

V o l u m e   V 1 1 ,     N o .   6 .                                                                                        P a g e   2 1
                                  QUEENS COMMUNITY LIONS CLUB

                             Offers Needed Service During Pandemic

           In partnership with Aveena Home Care, this
           one year old club continued the mission to
           show  gratitude  and  love  to  the  Frontline
           Workers  and  other  needful  communities
           during  this  COVID-19  Pandemic.  On  May
           29th,  125  hot  meals  with  beverages  and
           cookies  were  served  to  the  doctors  and
           nurses at Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New

           We  are  so  grateful  to  GT  Kingston  and                           QCLC makes a difference during crisis
           Shivram Bakery for their kind donations of
           meals,  bread, tennis rolls, and masks to be
           redistributed to the communities of need in   Door to door service
           Bucks  County,  PA.  We  acknowledge  the
           dedication of the Lions who volunteered to                                                    QCLC servers
           drive  out  of  town  to  conduct  the  distribu-                                             others
           tions.  The next day, “Care Packages” were
           presented  to  30  neighborhood  seniors  who
           live alone and 60 hot dinners were gifted to
           the employees at Rivers Fund Pantry. These
           minimum  -  wage  staffers  work  for  long
           hours to ensure that their equally economi-
           cally  underserved  neighbors  receive  suffi-
           cient provisions for their families.

           Special  kudos  to  Lions Patricia Raghunan-
           dan  and  Hemant  Somai  for  their  persever-                                                  Bags of
           ance  and  Lion’s  Spirit.    On  behalf  of  the                                               groceries
           club, they made door to door allocations of                                                     are ready
           hampers,  stocked  with  groceries,  sodas,
           water,  juices  and  face  masks  to  specially
           identified needy elders in the community.

           In another effort to make a difference in the
           community, Queens Community Lions Club   Dinner is served to day laborers
           served 35 hot meals, water and face mask to
           the day laborers seeking employment in the
           parking  lot  at  Home  Depot.  During  this
           frustrating  season  of  social  distancing,  job
           opportunities  are  scarce  and  about  90%  of
           them  return  to  their  families  without  the
           benefit of a day's pay.

           Article and Photos Submitted by

           ZC  Indarjeet Paul
           Charter President

                                                            Alleviating hunger              Hands on during pandemic
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