Page 2 - Lions Link 12-18
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November was the Diabetes month with 14th as Diabetes Day. Hope most of the clubs planned a diabetes service activity during this period. The purpose is to raise awareness of a condition that millions of people all around the world live with every day. Approximately 422 million people globally have diabetes, with over 29 million in US alone. Lions have adopted this as one of the five service areas to focus on. If you still do not have a diabetes project, LCI website has several project ideas that you can adopt.
Council of Governor’s meeting was held on Nov 9,10 in Temple, TX. Besides the Council of Governors meeting, I attended the I VDG workshop. An interesting presentation was given by PID Jerome Thompson on membership. PID Dr. Patti Hill and a candidate for LCI 3Vice President, was the guest speaker during the banquet.
Good news about our district membership, which stands at 1829 ie, an increase by 69 from last June. Overall, the general health of the clubs needs improvement, as 42% of our clubs have less than 20 members. Have you had your club’s membership drive yet? During this holiday season, we as Lions need to step up our service to the less fortunate with food drives, toys for children, etc.
Have a Blessed Christmas!
Billy's Broadcast
1VDG Vinod Mathur
In November, I bowled in LS&TF Bowling Fund Raiser to help raise money for their services. I attended the Second Council of Governors Meeting in Temple. Met and listened to PID Patti Hill who is running for 3rd Vice President of LCI. Our association will be in good hands with her. I led the Second Meeting of the District 2-X1 Executive Council. Great sharing on service ideas and projects. Service is the reason we are all Lions. I also helped with the Celebration of Thanksgiving for the Gift of Transplant Medicine. Great sharing between donor families and the recipients of transplants. Great to be a Lion and support this event. The District is slightly up in Membership as I write this article. We have lost or will lose some Clubs this year. This has occurred or will occur because their Club Officers did not receive the
training they needed to do the right things to keep their Clubs going and operating as they should. Each Lion needs to ask, "Are my Club Officers trained and doing the right things for my Club?" . Please continue your service and donations to our charities and others in need in your communities.
2VDG Billy Ketner