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Global Leadership Team
Multi-District 2 – Texas Lions Leadership Forum
March 2nd, 2019
Sign-in: 9:00 am – 11:00 am Kick-off Luncheon @ 11:30 am March 3rd, 2019 Closing @ 2:15 pm
Crowne Plaza North Central, 6121 North I-35, Austin, Texas*
District 2-X1 Lions (especially New Lions, current and future Club Officers) register to
attend this leadership development training. You will learn a lot and have a great time. TLLF includes multiple training classes, your meals (Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast and Lunch), fellowship with Lions from other districts, great speakers, and Lion fun. Register by Feb 14, 2019 and your fee is $50 ($75 for Lions who are or have been Vice-Governor or above). Later registrations will be charged $100.
You must make your own hotel reservation at the Crowne Plaza. *The first 100 Lions who register, and have never been a VDG or above, will have their March 2nd lodging paid by the Institute. Download the registration form and info sheet at Select “Events (calendar)”. Scroll down to “2019 Texas Lions Leadership Forum” and download and print the form. Hurry. Register today.
The district 2-X1 Midwinter Conference and 3rd Cabinet meeting will be held at Duncanville First Christian Church on January 12th, 2019. District Governor Keith has planned a fun and interesting Conference for all District 2-X1 Lions. There will several training classes at this event. Plan to get your club members to attend. More about this in my January 2019 Link article.
As a reminder, Lions clubs have a Chartered obligation to report their monthly Membership numbers and Club Activities to LCI and the district Governor. If your club needs help or training, email me at
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Fred Conger Global Leadership Team District Coordinator
Global Service Team
Being a Lion is about service. The Service Journey is an approach to living and serving well. To making a real difference people can see and feel. It encompasses four simple phases:
Learn, Discover, Act, and Celebrate. We love these words because they transcend organizational formulas. They have no borders. They are the essence of Lions and Leos.
f the past 100 years have taught us anything, it’s that as we serve, we grow. And we were never meant to stop. Service is our journey. Let’s explore it together.
Learn: Insight is often more valuable than instinct: if we aren’t informed about what’s
happening around us, our impact may fall short.
Discover: Opportunityawaitsanyonewillingtolearn.Knowledgesharingequips us to leverage our strengths, bridge gaps through partnerships and encourage innovation.
Act: Our mission is service, and service is visible. Its effects are measurable. Equipped with insight and inspired by opportunity, we practically support our communities, our regions, and our world together.
Celebrate: Serving humanity in over 200 countries, we take pride in the unique expressions of kindness found in each of our local clubs across the world. When we share our stories and report our impact, we unify our organization, inspire our communities, and capture the attention of a global audience.
For new ideas of how you can serve, visit
PDG Mark Dean Global Servic Team District Coordinator