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The 20th Annual Sports Extravaganza for the visually
impaired and blind was held on October 26, 27 in Grand Prairie and Irving. Organized by region 10, 2-X1 and 2-E2 it
was a huge success, involving over 200 kids with vision impairments and physical disabilities. Their recreation needs are the same as their sighted peers. Sports Extravaganza is one venue to fill the gap and provide opportunity for these kids. . They participated in 50m – 400m dash, standing long jump, archery, goal ball etc. All athletes were winners, and their joy upon receiving the awards, was a sight to behold .
District 2-X1 cabinet meeting was held on October 20 in Kaufman. The meeting had lots to offer including the breakout sessions. The number of attendees did not reflect our district membership of over 1800. Lot of effort goes into preparing for this, and it is up to membership to take advantage of
this, and also meet the fellow Lions from our district, as fellowship is essential to
being a Lion. During the Cabinet meeting DG Keith also handed out awards as
‘New Voices’ initiative started by IP Gudrun Yngvadottir, celebrating women’s
contributions to Lions Club International. Congratulations to Lions Christy
Householter, PDG Cathy Fletcher, Gloria Mathur and Esmeralda Rodriguez.
 Good news about our district membership, which stands at 1828 ie, an increase by 67 from last June. Let us keep the momentum going. Over 72% of our clubs have engaged in service activities. Please report your service activities each month, to be recognized. If you do not have any service activity and need help, do contact our GST Coordinator.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
1VDG Vinod Mathur
 Billy's Broadcast
District 2-X1 Lions continue to meet each month to plan the
MD-2 Convention to be held at the Waxahachie Civic Center during May, 2019. See the Registration Form for the MD-2 Convention at the MD-2 website ( and click on the 2019 State Convention option (see pages 36,37,38). We experienced a taste testing for the
planned food and I can promise you it is the best I have ever tasted for an event like our convention.
I represented District 2-X1 at Dallas White Cane Day on October 15 (see page 26). Dallas Oak Cliff Lions and Garland Evening Lions also supported Lion Blake Lindsay of Dallas Oak Cliff and Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind who led this celebration of blind and visually impaired independence.
We had a great Second District 2-X1 Cabinet Meeting in Kaufman on October 15. Thanks so much to Kaufman Lions Club for hosting us all. We continue to experience a great growth in Membership in District 2-X1. Lancaster New Centennial Lions Club is up 33 Members for 2018 – 2019 to
date. Welcome also to Plano Collin Nepalese Lions Club that chartered on
 October 18 with 51 Members. Their Charter Night is being planned as I write this article.
I worked at Sports Extravaganza on October 27 and at Sachse Fall Fest that same day. Continue to support your Clubs and District Charity and Service Events. These are the lifeblood of being a Lion. In November, please plan to attend the Second Executive Council Meeting on November 14 at 06:30pm at Spring Creek BBQ at 270 North Central Expwy in Richardson (see agenda page 8). Come earlier to eat and find a place to park. Please car pool where you can.
2VDG Billy Ketner

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