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   2018 – 2019 District 2-X1 Executive Committee
District Governor Keith Murray (Daughter Lion Karen) Irving Noon Day Lions Club 979-492-7310 CL
1st Vice District Governor Vinod Mathur
(Lion Gloria)
Dallas Filipino Lions Club 817-430-2546 HM
2nd Vice District Governor Billy Ketner Sachse Lions Club 972-414-9922 CL
Cabinet Secretary Karen Johnson Wylie Evening Lions Club 972-793-4144 CL
Cabinet Treasurer John Stare (Bonnye)
Irving Noon Day Lions Club 9720-824-8862 CL
By District Governor Keith Murray
My thanks to the Kaufman Lions for a good visit this month. Also, congratulations to the Plano Collin Nepalese Lions for a great Charter night on the 19th with 59 charter members! And thanks to all the clubs contributing to their success.
We had over 125 people in attendance at the Mid-Winter conference in Duncanville. A couple nomination letters were read, but we still have openings an all the boards. Come serve on one. A resolution was read to place on the ballot at the District Convention in April an increase in the District dues of up to $5.00 to be moved to 2-X1 Charities to fund scholarships and the administration of them. We also passed a resolution for Ernesto “TJ” Tijerina as our endorsed candidate for International Director from Texas.
It is now time to sign up for the District Convention in April, the State Convention in May and the bus trip to the Texas Lions Camp President’s Picnic in Kerrville in August. See to forms in this newsletter. I know they are coming close together but are all important events.
As you read this, we are attending the Council of Governors meeting in Kerrville with about 200 other lions taking care of the State business. We are one of 4 of the 16 Districts in the State with a positive membership and I thank you, keep up the good work in bringing in members to help your club service projects. We have 5 months left in this Lions Year.
Just Ask One!
Keith's Komments

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