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Billy's Broadcast
The highlight of June for me was my trip to the Texas Lions Camp for VIP Day. Being at TLC on a Friday night during graduation celebrations is always a great time. Welcoming the Campers and Counselors, seeing each child receive an award, seeing counselors receiving scholarship monies from Lions Clubs, seeing the San Jacinto High Rollers Motorcycle Club award $57,000 to the Camp, just being in that place at that time what a wonderful experience for a Lion. Two counselors told wonderful
 stories at the Saturday night fish fry at the Sports Lake. 2018 – 2019 was a great Lions Year for District 2-X1 and now we begin 2019 – 2020. Let’s all work together as we serve those in need. There is no greater goal or achievement for a Lion than service to others.
1VDG Billy Ketner
 Esmeralda's Express News
I want to start this Lions year by thanking PDG Keith Murray for his service and leadership as District 2x1 Governor in 2018-2019. I want to wish District 2x1 Governor for 2019-2020 Vinod Mathur all the best. I know he will lead our District to another great year of service to others. I would ask that all District 2x1 Lions support our District in the new year. I want to challenge all our clubs and members to enjoy yourselves and have fun as you serve. We all need to continue to be looking for more and better ways to serve. Please plan service projects so they meet the needs in your communities. Please plan to focus
on membership recruitment, retention and recognition. I know our Districts
Governor’s team is ready, willing and able to support all Lions clubs and Lions
Clubs members. Please plan to take advantage of leadership development
opportunities to be better prepared to provide the best for our clubs, district and
definitely our communities. Please plan and work on fundraising projects so you
have the funds to support our International, National, State, District and community
charities and needs.
Please contact me anytime you have questions or need support.
2VDG Esmeralda Rodriquez
  VOLUME 30 ISSUE 1 / JULY 2019 PAGE 2

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