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Global Leadership Team
The Global Leadership Team is preparing for a busy 2019-2020 year. Happy to say Lions 2-X1 University was a success. 124 attend the classes and heard good speakers
on Leadership and how we can be Leaders in District 2-x1. Also had seven lions from other districts attending and were amazed at what was offered and the presenters.
Our concern is to make sure each club officer is informed of their duties and informed with all the changes that LCI is implementing for the Lions year 2019-2020. The GLT, GMT, GST coordinators will work very close with the Global Action Team Coordinator (Governor Vinod Mathur). The Zone Chair, Club Membership Leader, and How to Plan a District Convention dates will be announced very soon. They will be held at Brookhaven College in Farmers Branch. Guiding Lion will be offered also this year.
We will be working on a Leadership Development, Membership Development and Service Development program for 2-X1.
Lions please come by our table at all District Cabinet meetings and other meetings to receive information about any changes that will be coming from Lions Clubs International. I will be serving as Global Leadership Team Coordinator for 2-X1 this Lions year, 2019-2020.
Look forward to working with each club in 2-X1.
Global Membership Team
PDG Carolyn Doreman Global Leadership Team District Coordinator
As we enter the Lions year of 2019-2020, we need to challenge the Zone Chairs to make sure that every club under their responsibility has a membership chair.If we ask
each officer of every club to recruit a new member and it’s done were will our district be in membership?
District 2-X1 has the GMT membership that can help a struggling zone or club. If need be, we can call on recruiters from MD2 and LCI. The club must be willing to help
increase its membership.
Zone Chairs must foster competition amongst their zones and clubs. Recognize our top recruiting clubs and members with incentives.
Finally, communicate, communicate, communicate. We cannot communicate too much. Let’s spent time praising and lifting those clubs that are recruiting. There is no way we can have a cohesive membership campaign without goals and plans. District 2-X1 can increase its membership by a net 10%, I know we can. But we must think big to win big. Most clubs that has membership chair have some growth, club President please have a membership chair for you club or have a Vice President to take on that role.
District 2-X1 will end this Lions month with a net loss of -35 members and the year with a net loss of -17 members. So many of our clubs has added members, but we have clubs that have not added a member in years. Thanks to the clubs that are adding members and doing service projects in their community, we see the growth in those clubs.
Henry White Global Leadership Team District Coordinator