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   2019 – 2020 District 2-X1 Executive Committee
District Governor Vinod Mathur (Lion Gloria) Dallas Filipino Lions Club 817-430-2546 HM
1st Vice District Governor Billy Ketner Sachse Lions Club 972-414-9922 CL
2nd Vice District Governor Esmeralda Rodriguez Grand Prairie Host Lions Club 972-891-4678 CL esmeralda.rodreguize
Cabinet Secretary Karen Johnson Wylie Evening Lions Club 972-793-4144 CL
Cabinet Treasurer John Stare (Bonnye)
Irving Noon Day Lions Club 9720-824-8862 CL
By District Governor Vinod Mathur
I am honored and proud to be your District Governor for 2019-2020. Thank You for the trust you have put in me to represent you in the district. Our International President’s Jung-Yul Choi theme is ‘We Serve’ and I know that together we can serve with his initiatives. I am very excited to start visiting our clubs, meet all members and share my goals for 2019-2020. My sincere thanks on behalf of the district to DG Keith Murray for a successful year . We had a very successful Lions University on June 8 with 124 eager Lions in attendance. I hope most of the officers who attended left with a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the office they were elected to serve.
I will be travelling to Milan on July 3 to attend the International Convention and also, I will be officially inducted as Governor, and will be returning on the 18th. Our first Cabinet meeting will be held on July 27 hosted by the Plano Early Lions Club at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Plano. It is important that all Lions participate and support district activities. As we close the year, the district has served over 100,000 people and making an impact. The district membership remains flat for the year as we are losing as many members as we are recruiting.
See you all at the cabinet meeting!
 VOLUME 30 ISSUE 1 / JULY 2019

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