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Keith's Komments Thanks to Governor Henry, Lions Joe, AP and John for a great District Convention last weekend. Thanks to the
district for voting me in as your District Governor Elect for next year. Welcome to Lion Billy Ketner as your 2nd Vice
District Governor Elect.
Congratulations to Lion Christy as Lion of the Year and the Irving Noon Day Lions as Club of the Year, as well as the other award winners. Keep in mind the Grass Roots award for a newer member in your club for next year. It is heartwarming to hear their stories.
We are getting closer in Membership growth, even though we have lost several clubs this year. Keep increasing your base with new members and we can make it. If you know a Lion from one of the dropped clubs, ask then to transfer into your club. We have 2 more months to gain the 66
members we need. Let’s make 2-X1 have a growth year and work towards being
#1 in the state again, however we are about 600 members short of the current #1! If we grow back to 68 clubs from our 58 now, it will be a start! It takes all of us to make it happen.
The next Cabinet meeting will be July 14th in Coppell. I am looking for service projects that can be done by several (such as assembling kits) for using at the Cabinet meetings again next year. If you have some ideas, let me know. Participation goes a long was to recognition!
Finally, If you are interested in serving on the District Cabinet for next year, join me, the vice governors, Cabinet Secretary Karen Johnson and Cabinet Treasurer John Stare in serving your district in 2018-2019.
1VDG Keith Murray
The District Convention held on April 27, 28 was a huge success and well attended. PID Lion Doug Alexander and CC Rick Talbert were the guests for the two day event. Hope all Lions left with a feeling as though they got something out of it. There were opportunities to learn during the breakout sessions, opportunities to network, as we were surrounded by Lions who support the same cause, and lastly hope everyone who attended had fun. Congratulations to DG Henry for a great year and a successful convention.
Let us finish strong this year, as we have another two months left. Few clubs that have not performed any service activity need to do a service project, the reason why our clubs exist and also to bring in new members so the district can show a positive growth and more hands to serve the
community. It was great to recognize the 24 Grass Roots Lions for their service
and involvement as new Lions. We expect these Lions to continue their service to the community in the coming years ahead. As our centennial celebrations officially ends in June let us complete our service and legacy projects and make sure all the service activities are reported. This is extremely important, otherwise your club or the district will not get any credit for your service.
Lastly, after working hard all year, it is time to have some fun. Our district Picnic is scheduled for May 19. It will be held at the Kiest Park, Dallas. All Lions are invited to attend and make this a successful event. Lunch will be provided along with games and other activities. See you all there!!
2VDG Vinod Mathur
VOLUME 28 ISSUE 11 / MAY 2018