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Global Leadership Team
7thAnnual Lions University: June 9, 2018
Collin College – Spring Creek Campus Conference Center 2800 E Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano TX, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
2-X1 Lions Clubs - Prepare for the upcoming 2018-2019 Lion Year.
Register and send your club officers, new Lions, emerging leaders and board members to Lions 2-
X1 University 2018. There is a lot of new Lion Information you and your club should know.
Fee: $30 fee before June 2nd and $35 afterwards. Includes breakfast, lunch, classes plus the complete 2-X1 Lion training manual.
• LU Registration forms are available at:
• Payments should be made to “District 2-X1” by personal or club
Club Membership Chair & Committee Training – May 12th
      Courtyard Center for Professional and Economic Development 4800 Preston Park Blvd. Plano TX in Room 122 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
All Club Membership Chairpersons and their committee members should plan to attend this especially designed training to help grow in membership and service. A light lunch will be provided as well as all training materials. No Charge. Register by emailing me at and indicate who and how many are coming. (Continued page 14)
Global Membership Team
Fred Conger Global Leadership Team District Coordinator
  We all regret the loss of the charter of the Lancaster Lions Club. But, we are very grateful that the organization of a new Lancaster club is underway. I want to express my deepest appreciation to Judge Valencia Nash, Justice of the Peace in Lancaster, for her leadership in recruiting charter members for the new club and for all of her assistance in organizing and preparing the new club for the charter application.
We are also very happy for the organization of a new LEO Club sponsored by The Oak Cliff Lions Club. We have six intelligent and talented young women who have signed their applications for membership in the new LEO Club and the club charter is going to LCI immediately. We are looking forward to great things from these new LEO’s and we anticipate that they will grow into future leaders in Lions International.
We have plenty of room for more new clubs and for more members in your club. The story of Lionism is a great one. We all need to be spreading that story and expanding it to include more and more new Lions. The need for Lions’ service never ends and, as you know, where there is a need, there is a Lion.
Wayne Meachum Global Membership Team District Coordinator
  VOLUME 28 ISSUE 11 / MAY 2018 PAGE 3

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