Page 15 - 2020 SPCE Program Final 2
P. 15

         Process for
         Traditional      With a large percentage of Millennials absent from the church, traditional
         Churches to      churches face the significant challenge of making changes to draw Millennials   Julie K.
         Spiritually      into the church while continuing to minister to older generations. This
                          qualitative case-study research revealed that traditional churches that   Smestad
         Form             successfully make changes to form Millennials spiritually while retaining older
         Millennials      generations build common community identity through fostering cross-  Dallas          Join Here
         While            generational relationships, valuing Millennials and their contributions, and   Theological
         Retaining        creating intergenerational learning experiences. Common community identity   Seminary,
         Older            is a relational space in which adults of all ages experience belonging and   Student
                          definition of what it means to follow Christ with their church community.

         Inquiry-                                                                               Lindsey
         based            After discussing a thorough vision for Christian education, we will view   Wilkerson
         Curriculum       biblically cohesive constructive methodology as well as the biblically flawed
         for Christ-like   philosophical and theological components of constructivism to create a faith-  Southern
         Transformati     based constructive approach to learning. From this faith-based model of   Baptist
                          constructivism, we will explore the essential components of a curriculum for
         on: A Faith-     Christian education that encourages the transference of knowledge and   Theological   Join Here
         based            understanding to promote Christ-like transformation. Lastly, we will explore   Seminary,
         Constructive     an inquiry-based curriculum design method grounded in the Inquiry Design   Student
         Approach         Model (IDM) that balances biblically cohesive constructive principles with the
                          established vision for Christian education.

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