Page 114 - 1948 Wardlaw
P. 114

 School Indebted to Mothers’ Association
Beautifully appointed fireplace is focal point of new mothers' lounge.
Mrs. Paul K. Johnson was in charge of the win­ ter meeting in February, which featured an enjoy­ able program of excerpts from the Drama Club play, an eighth-grade “mock-out” skit, and selec­ tions by the Glee Club.
Mrs. Oliver H. Hewit, III, of mothers' store fits gym shirt on her son Russell.
Wardlaw is deeply indebted to its Mothers’ Association, and its gratitude to the group for all that it does for the school matches the indebtedness.
Mrs. Harry V. Osborne, Jr., continued this year in a second term as president. She was assisted by Mrs. Richard M. Hale as first vice president, Mrs. Thomas J. Mullaney as second vice president, Mrs. John T. Cole as treasurer, and Mrs. Walter A. Haas as corresponding secretary. Mrs. Mullaney, Mrs. Haas, and Mrs. Streib were this year’s new officers.
Activities of the association are varied. Mrs. Garrett M. Keating and Mrs. J. Lloyd Harbeck were chairmen of the annual fair held in November in the all-purpose room and gymnasium of the Central Avenue schcx^. The annual event, with its circus motif this year, realized $4,094.
The annual bridge, well attended and enjoyed, was held in March. Mrs. Victor J. Dankis and Mrs. William J. Belliveau were co-chairmen.
Mrs. Oliver H. Hewit, III and Mrs. David W. Price ran this year’s mothers store.

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