Page 113 - 1948 Wardlaw
P. 113

 Mr. Arthur J. Schroff, Wardlaw director of music, works with Glee Club prior to annual Christmas Carol Service in mid- December.
Band Plays Big Role with Glee Clubbers
For the first time this year, the school band was significantly part of the Wardlaw Glee Club. Outstanding event of the year was, as it always is, the Christmas Carol Service — “with effective orchestral backing.”
Mr. Arthur J. Schroff directs the Wardlaw music department. He had Mrs. Eleanor A. Mucio this year as effective co-worker. His wife, Mrs. Ruth E. Schroff, was accompanist.
In addition to the annual Christmas affair, there were a performance at the Mothers’ Associa­ tion winter meeting in February, a well-received spring concert, and the traditional Commencement appearance.
Both band and Glee Club worked closely dur­ ing the past year with Hartridge performers.
Charles H. Streib headed the club for the 1969-1970 school year. The club, despite scant interest from the Class of 1970 (only Peter H. Sanders sang with the group), worked hard and
made proud its alma mater.
Peter J. Miller was concert master of the school
band. Mrs. Muoio expressed enthusiastic optimism with respect to future years.
Mrs. Eleanor A. Muoio conducts school band.

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