Page 115 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 115

1. VARSITY CLUB, LEFT TO RIGHT, FRONT ROW: E. Cordasco. SECOND ROW: J. Kenny, L. Charlton, S. Riley, K. Kenny, M. Carter. THIRD ROW: Mr. Peterson, D. Stout, R. DiLeo, P. Fleck, B. Radowitz, G. Cordasco, G. Casagrande, R. McMurrian, R. Rogers, O. Mayers, R. Berg, D. Foley, J. Penvenne, E. Krampf, T. Kopidakis, S. Maxwell, B. Leonowicz. 2. John Penvenne and Eric Krampf help Osborne Mayers get ready to play basketball. 3. VARSITY CLUB OFFICERS: Mr. PeterĀ­
son, J. Penvenne, K. Kenny, P. Fleck.
The Varsity Club is comprised of students who have earned three varsity letters in one year of four letters in two years. Over the years the Varsity Club has set up many activities to help improve and add to the athletic facilities at Wardlaw-Hartridge. With the help of faculty advisor Evan Peterson, they have built a strong and active club. One of the club's most important tasks this year was the purchase of the Scott L. Rupp memorial record board which was dedicated at the swim team's opening meet to Scott. The Varsity Club is an important part of the school, giving its members both honor and responsibility.

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