Page 85 - 1988 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 85

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Hi iUl-u.,
»«5 %sib Wfciio
TOjIlIl,. * Ij,
Hifc n'l ■„ dniSK
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‘T i l biUhl.- ■D'i li
Sixteen a promise evermore Christmas Eve, '86 "Hello, Arline?" 'Buttons' Rudnyanszky Wres­ tling? Get out! Stage Key Stage Cod Driver's Licence White Car+Barrier=? "Do you think we have a chance?" Friends forever Smile! Nobody knows what you are thinking! Macaddums & Per­ nambuco Lady Fetterly? too cute for your own good Scuba Expert, Laura Wilson The Prom? Duh
Summertime, Summertime New Car?? N|CSS'87 The Retreat Co-leaders? The Canoe? One Bunk? Super Lizard Applications, ugh! DeVry, anyone? To Jon, Lorin, Kyle, Jason, Tara & Tiffany, Booooooo! . Mr. B., Thank you Tiff? Snowball fight? (cough)Obsession Wendy? Whatty? Sajid! Hullo!!! Perfect Friendship White Mustang GT Lurch w/ a Barracuda! OOooh! La Boulangerie!! Nurse's Lounge Your
apprentice? please?? Training Room
a Freeeeeeezing morning Not to mention you actu­
NO! is very annoying Wheres the party Lisa, how Many times are you going to change your hair style The flight to California I just called to say I love you
You Look MAHVELOUS Jack Tripper
my fault U.S.C. All the way Dereck Mun Leonard O.K. Pal PR=TR-TC YUCKY could have been fun if it weren't for that Summons
S*eie(-' leeesbf isJ ii»iiil|s:
Winin* bdidn'l' OlSiOti^ e cubelir eiriinoiR ns, ERICf fenJ'mK mm rubleBM'r
n s.ifit* ecep6«r|li ieeH'iliefc' Kestnil': chkienb iteWf tUDIKt
I,NWp&ri .Ie^l^ ft t® s^tnirrlen liii'ltr«l» innite*'
xtiieCii’fr Igot2(» Fred#
JASON HALL Jellybean, Puddles etc . . Reg
Hey Andy-DA!-You Know It
And the dew Yo Nick
0-60 in what???
Supra(Turbo???) the race that Might happen someday, possibly Comet vs. Iroc-Z but wait that isn't a race
Kerry, it's time to play with the hair again The foodstinkshere Howsitgoinmen.O.K.Mr.Muoio its soil not dirt Everyone should drive a Penguin Italian Ice Truck over the Summer . . M indy, did I ever tell you that your spoiled, (just kidding) All right Laurie, I'll leave you alone We've got bush Stan the man That was the best Ann, enough with my SCHMEKLE Karen, do you remember the time when I came to your house and asked if I could make a B.M.
Well Karen I think it's time that we forget about that wonderful moment Hey Chrissy Ben, that OH!
Sorry Jeff Who do you think of when you hear Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude or how about Don't you think there is some symbolism, possibly
sexual or isn't it some sort of ionic rock??? VeeDubs rule Chem II Honors, my favorite class Orbital otherwise known as an Obitalffolks that pro­ nounced aahbitui) OK who took my pencil Re­ member there are twenty-eight of us so buy lots of food
canoeing nothing like a Freeeeeaing shower on
what? where?
Breakfast Club
Systems Boycott
coming! . Saj, Read my mind Wench! Draw blood? Not with the knife You see him too? Lady Macbeth
Three Saggitarii Latin V odi et amo? Naaaahh
Stage Crew Screwdrivers Sigmund the Sea Monster
It's been real Mondaynite Giant's parties
U .S .C .,S e th
The Dartmouth straddle What happens Monday?
Service Senior Lounge . . Uhoh, the prom's
No es ml problema
K.T. and S.K. Think about it
3:00 . Oh my God! It's Mr. Vostar
Whasup The Blood-Sucking Gila Monsters London trip Canadian ski trip: Went down a black diamond by mistake. Look out for the tree! . Retreats . Poconos . . Canoeing Buttons
Andy, meet me at Sunnyside Up Hot Legs Con­ . Nick remem­ ber my advice Surprise! . Bill, to bad about G.B.
BOMB SCARE! Run Mark, run R.E.M .
Hi There!! Doink
Parkway South Exit 135-Kerry (hah) Mooky
Life Two Face People Rule??? D.B.
(ion) Ketone!
real villain ... Is Othello up to it?
Computer project due today - one month later No sleep till college dude DUDE! Don't drink
A salt 'n battery with a spectator
A 3d Obittel Mr. Keur's "jokes"
As easy as lago was a
Where is Stuart School? Giant's Victory Celebration
the milk. Why? 'Spoiled
line Boycott Service Systems!! . School is not a democracy I know, but what if THE BUS! Thanks for everything M om , Dad & Grandpa . 1 LOVE
See-ya Teach
Thanks for the memories
Ksp? doing Poconos
I knew what you were thinking! . Zug-zug anyone?
i W f c r . You told her what?! No . it's ok Excuse me, isn't nice! V-ball Mr. B. wasn't everyone at Dan's? 2x In one
that a bit shallow? Arrogance is a blessing for yourself Swimming Pool & Scruples Rocky Horror Shhhh Mark's sleeping Take a walk on the wild side Fluff? Buxom is a compliment! Good times
Bad Times REAL BAD times but things got better
Ya losers! See you In the summer!!! . Farewell WH, my friends, my teachers, and my shelter for nine years Mom? Dad? I love you and thank you SK, Arline Mary Elizabeth Ruth Ester Moreno, Leylita . Love you
all! Never forget that! Sweet Dreams & Farewell!
Shuger and spice. KW & KT O O O Baby, Dude. KW - Lake Placid. Spoons, Broccoli, Mashed potatoes, hot chocolate . $400 lost. Lets find it quick. KW, KT, LN, JK leaves oh no. Can I talk now I'm raising my
hand. Are you a P.R.? Cones oh n o .............I Remember MC Thanx MD, NR & JH. Calaifornia. Sundafu ha-ha-ha-ha. Neway. KW Heathbar crunch, Spooners and General. FATAL ATTRACTION. No one cares. Thanx KW and KT. LT - friends Sorry, U NO Who. Good luck KW, KT, LN, JK, NR, MD, JR, NW, LT, JR and everyone in the Class of 1988. I love Adam. Love and
nite? Sweaty hands much C.? Soccer '87-FOOD! SLEEP! French rest. A bottle of white-ln your eyes! P.G. rules! 2nd row! Oh nice! No R-----, I Mean It! Ice Cream
the exorcist I'm hungry Craig! Edgar, Mohammad, R^ul, Hamberger Happy Kieran? Lisa, get many concussions? Sabra and C.G., Sara andC.S.-what is this place? I'm outta here! Good luck Heidi! Head to Lehigh B.S. GET OUT of W-H!!! Adios Amigos Thanx Mrs. Callan! All My Love CRAIG!!! Thank you very much Mom, Dad and Craig(brother) See ya Ward- law.
The Karen Is that
Joe Bioggs
Friendly's A Junior She's in
I don't want to wail in this
e e E e e
Get out! Mustang GT vs. Toyota
SETH KAMINSTEIN How's the nose-is it clear
ally have to stand in line to gel one
Excellent scenery — Nice teeth Ann
have the thrill of silting in a Porsche
!•?%•?! Who's trying to make a K-lurn in the middle of the intersection.........Oh, Hi Laurie How to; learn to drive a stick on a Mustang GT Chapter 62 Calm down, I saw him. He won't give us a ticket I know the radar detector is going off, what do you want me to do stop????? No problem, the throttle just stuck to the floor lor a FEW seconds Lisa, seen any flying
pencils out of control since tenth grade should torch that
Jodi Goldblatt
2nd week a( W-H, S.K. the Group need I say more? X-Mas '84 Mr. Staypuft London Karl M. RJ New Years Eve 1985, 5, 5!!! Parsonage, Kerry squared Choc, dou­ ble layer cake Geek ha, ha . Ape, coolers, soggy potatochips, my pool!! Craig B., NYC frozen yogurt Aimee's — Lamar — Martinique Craig squared Sat. nights w/vodka C .C ., B.C. Sorry Jeff . . Hello? Oh
Kai + Jill
N.W., L.R., S.M., B.S., K.A., - I Love you France
'85' . Toast Face
"once you go black
sion at Mai's The Dead Show - "You sellin' tickets? You selling bodies?" Yes Karen, I enjoyed the view VERY MUCH, thank you! PUSH THE LOCK, PUSH THE LOCK! Karen and Jill - look poor The Malibu DUH! Jeff's sweater? The OO-WEE- JA board Tara, can I leave my car at your house? Mexican with Spence . Crease and Lee The little Madonna-wanna-be, isn't that OUT?! . City Gardens and the Ritz - Karen, don't stare! MY NOSE! WE BLEW AWAY A 944! but dad, it's snowing The NOISE D.P. thanks for everything, I love you
K .W ., J.B ., C .C ., thanks for the golden books
big F Hilda the loony Piggy and Hank
where did all these little kids come from?!
thing like sewed to her head? No, I swear it's an eclipse Kai - answer the door, there's someone here
Why Liza? Because we're seniors! J.K., L.R., K .W ., the excommunication committee Stewart, I love you. Good Luck Kai, have a great senior year
Mom and Dad, thanks for everything, I love you Karen, all three of us can live in one room, can't we? Bill you womanizer! Nick, how much did he pay
you to Kar, see ya at school? Laters W-H! Bill, you did!, how did you think your knees got dirty?
Kai, I love you Will you marry me? JOHN JAMES KEENOY
Congo Prime, Duke Yo Ace (AC) Max
ball, throw the ball, throw the ball — Ay Clown Yo Lee Look at those jammies . Bill bustin the old cuts Ah Elaine . . Giles . Last one I'm a legend Thanx Noni, Momma and grandparents, mom, dad, and Dave
K.W.'shouse. .Johnreadtome. .whatalife.
I can't believe he went with her W-H Football 0 +6 again
Pop goes the weasle
huh? . L.L. remember P.A. Iheard a rumor .
Genesis Concert September 29th 1986
hands??? Yak in the bathroom (John??) Long live the ARM CHAIR COVER CLUB
Peter Gabriel concert December 2nd 1986, nice res­ taurant!! Nice bill
U2 tickets in Westfield nice rain! Get out the garbage bags yeah well lets sleep in the Bronco . What a night at least we got tickets
My House Hello "haywalking by Food- town" nice MIX?? Don't drown Bill!! Bill watch my room please (NICE CLEANUP)
ohhh goodness MS. Kern gym class Denton's fault only kidding lets forget about that one!!!
Ketan, Bills house before the play Oh god
you know we will never have enough time to finish our talks but then again they will never end
Wendy, who loves you?? (yeah yeah cough cough .) Monday October 19 1987 "Lets get married in
gym (3rd period)"
Lita, L'Affaires, out to dine?? ahh such arrogance
Mindy, how are you?? Peachy? Leslie- Light of Day, what an awesome movie so you wanna go to the prom?? Kathy, "Hullooooo" tap tap bend head
shiver shrug The world is full of hypocrites! Well Wardlaw its been real will never forget this
Just the three of us Maybe next year Doc
Ice cube party
Aconfusing relationship with M .D .
again Hey J.K ., Big Al two Years in a row
a damn Mental Institution Later S.M. and K.H. K.T. K.W. Enjoy Boston . Mom and Dad thanx
much Mrs P. thankyou for everything .
Good luck
next year Dave
Goodbye W-H.
Hey Guys
is it O .K .
where's my $2.50 YO, FI, TA, YUP, PI, Dl, Kl, DO
Good videos — I just wanted to Who's the
It's not Mr
Andy you
Terra Throw the
Have fun, Kelly!
net? I'm clean cut, Mindy Barton, G.C. Band Detention
Peer Leadership The sax rules say SHALOM and Farewell Thanx Parents.
Well thats all I want to Have a Great Life
December 2, 1986
K.H., K.W., B.C.,
Camaro pen?
three long years;;
I used to have a I love G.B. Got a Jazz Band Jammin'
Introspect Take economics
. Fishtank
I want pizza; O .K ., Geoff,
Doug, Eric, It'll sound good
let's go to the studio
Rondo thing else?
we must part!
I'll be around thanks mom and dad
any­ Alas
74 MPH Such Is
Thanks everyone
So Long So it goes
" The Devil Tree Mis­
Molly Ringwald
Test! What test?
Blockhead Del-
What's a son­
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