Page 3 - ATA FLIP 26 AUG 2017
P. 3
Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
Colorful Streets with Typical Caribbean Vibes:
Kick Off Carubbian Festival in San Nicolas a Hit!
stage with dance perfor-
mances of carnival groups
and other local specialties.
On the background the
renovated San Nicolaas
Store. There is also room for
some shopping this eve-
SAN NICOLAS - San Nicolas people wiggling with their ning as several stalls show
has a special feel. Aruba’s hips while enjoying a night their –often handmade- lo-
most southern village is in town. This festival is really cal products.
a mixture of cultures and about mingling with the lo-
a cocktail of colors. Here cals. Carubbian Festival is an
is where you find the true awesome experience for
Caribbean face, although Fresh Coco both locals and tourists. It
the town is pretty quiet and From far was clear that gives you a ride in the Ca-
sometimes even seems something was going on ribbean with a chill feel.
desolated. when entering San Nicolas Culture and heritage ex-
by car as the renovated pression in one. Every Thurs-
That does not at all ap- water tower showed the day between 6 and 10 pm.
ply for yesterday evening coolest moving images on Be there! For more informa-
where Aruba Today dived its walls, excellent work of tion: Facebook Carubbian
into the Carubbian Festival graphic artist Zanelli with Festival Aruba.q
with music, dance, food,
drinks, stalls and much
No Doubt
Whereas you feel yourself
stuck between Europe,
United States and the Ca-
ribbean when spending
time in the Northern part of his video wall project. A pur sang, accompanied
the island, here in the south bit further we bump into a by a fresh coco water or a
there is no doubt: this is gathering of food stalls with homemade fresh juice or
the Caribbean! Right after rows of people waiting to beer. Following the beats of
leaving your car you can buy a bite. Caribbean food music we encounter a big
hear the music and see the