Page 5 - ATA FLIP 26 AUG 2017
P. 5

                Saturday 26 auguSt 2017

            All Weekend:

            Aruba International Pro-Am Golf Tournament in Full Swing!

            WEST  PUNT  -  The  23rd  An-  August 25 – 28, at the Tierra
            nual  Aruba  International  del Sol Golf course.
            Pro  Am  Golf  Tournament  Tierra del Sol, the beautiful
            takes  place  this  weekend,  terrain  at  the  rustic  North   coast  of  the  island,  will  play  host  to  pro-  sional and 4 amateurs.
                                                                      fessional  and  amateur  golfers  who  have  The challenging Robert Trent Jones, Jr. de-
                                                                      teamed up for a weekend of fun and ex-     sign course measures 6,811 yards from the
                                                                      citing  times  both  on  and  off  the  course.  tips and provides golfers with a desert lay-
                                                                      The challenging 36-hole tournament fea-    out similar to links courses of the American
                                                                      tures  gifts,  prizes,  and  special  events  all  Southwest and spectacular ocean views.
                                                                      weekend long.                              Hosted 1998 Shell’s a Wonderful World of
                                                                      There is a total of 28 teams signed up for  Golf and Senior PGA TOURS’ Aces Cham-
                                                                      this year’s tournament, with teams repre-  pionship in 1996 & 1997, and 2006 & 2007
                                                                      senting  Belgium,  Bermuda,  Brazil,  Cana-  World Cup qualifiers.
                                                                      da,  Colombia,  Curaçao,  Holland,  United  Spectators are welcome, so if you are not
                                                                      States, England, Venezuela and naturally  signed up to play, make sure to come and
                                                                      Aruba. Teams consist of 5 players, 1 profes-  check out the action! q
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