Page 4 - ATA FLIP 26 AUG 2017
P. 4
Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
The Cirillo Family Enjoys Moomba!
PALM BEACH - We counted fifteen the beach to try it out. Everyone had
great-looking people in the picture: the BBQ and it was very good indeed.
they are the Cirillo sisters and family We hope the wedding was perfection
from Upstate New York. itself.
MooMba Beach is an amazing restau-
On Aruba for a beach wedding at rant on the beach. Located between
the Marriott Resort, they gathered at the Holiday Inn Resort and the Marriott
MooMba Beach for a relaxed, happy Surf Club, it offers breakfast, lunch, din-
get-together `en famille’. Although ner and drinks until late, with a sunset
they had been on Aruba before, they thrown in for free. There is often a DJ
did not know MooMba yet, but as playing in the evenings or a live band.
friends had said MooMba was `awe- The view at MooMba is stunning - it
some’, they decided to take a stroll on can’t be beat.q