Page 12 - MIN.ON FEB 6,2015
P. 12
Friday 6 February 2015

Prime Minister Eman applauds creativity:

Aruba’s youth shine in the Green Chair Competition

ORANJESTAD – Prime Mr. Glen Goddijn, co- gave their support dur- tin Class 2A team of the first prize of the
Minister Mike Eman told ordinator for the acad- ing the final night. Rep- Stephanie Boekhoudt, Green Chair Competi-
the competitors of the emy, personally gave resentatives from each Nia Simmons, Xianteh tion 2015 to the student
Green Chair Competi- presentations to vari- sponsor formed the Beyde, Genisha Angel, team from Colegio San
tion “We have the right ous secondary schools panel of judges consist- Diana Tenoriok, Vin- Augustin Class 2C. The
stuff!” Last Friday night, to entice competitors ing of Jariza Correa of cent de Cuba and Shi- winning students are
a large group of youth, and give a base for Kooyman, Aixia Arana wayne Arrindell under Kyle Danies, Mateo
parents and teachers what the objectives of De Wit & Van Dorp, the guidance of teach- Sosa, Robby Croes, Jo-
met at Rietveld Acad- and criteria were in the Fransisca Tromp of Se- er Jarissa Dubero. Their dister Girwar and Guer-
emy for a special event competition. On the tar and Elton Arends green chair was made vendrick Etienne and
for the announcement final night, Goddijn ex- of the Office of Inno- of used tires and paint were also under the
of the winners of the pressed his satisfaction vation together with in the form of a local guidance of Jarisa Du-
Green Chair Competi-
tion 2015. This activity with the results of this renowned local artist rattle snake indigenous bero.
was organized by the year. “This opportunity Ciro Abath. to Aruba, even with the The Office of Innova-
Office of Innovation for students of Aruba The Setar Award went unique markings on its tion recognized all of
of the Ministry of Gen- to show their creativ- to the student team of tail. the student’s designs
eral Affairs, Innovation ity was not just for fun, Vladimir, Lemond and De Wit & Van Dorp by creating a tour
and Science under it was also a neces- Robert under the guid- awarded the second of the top 10 Green
the leadership of Prime sity for our future and ance of teacher Cha- prize to the creation Chair creations in the
Minister Eman. inspired the youth to rissa Kock from Scol of Rodley Orman from competition and mak-
The scope of the event think in a different way Practico di Ofishi (Prac- Maria Colegio Class 2C. ing them visible to the
not only brought to the to live their lives and to tical School of Trade). Rodley won this honor public in sections in
table expected inge- realize what they can The group made a with his green chair de- line with the different
nious results, but also recycle, for example: recycled chair out of sign using an empty oil sponsors. Prime Minis-
great pride to see what garbage,” Goddjin re- plastic bags and news- drum under the guid- ter Mike Eman person-
the youth of our island marked. papers. ance of teacher Jairssa ally congratulated all
can do when given op- The sponsors of the The Arvefa Award went Dubero who teaches of the participants for
portunity, enthusiasm project donated prizes to the student team of both schools. their creative green
and support. for the best entries and of Colegio San Augu- Kooyman awarded initiatives.q
Prime Minister Eman
attended the Green
Chair Competition to
personally see all of
the workmanship of
the participants and to
speak with the young
creative competitors
of the environmental
designs. “Never do we
hesitate about the in
the creativity of our
youth, but without a
doubt and what we’ve
seen here tonight, we
are sure that we have
all the right stuff,” was
the initial commentary
of Prime Minister Eman.
The unique and inno-
vative creations made
by the students of Co-
legio San Augustin in
San Nicolas were the
absolute winners of this
year’s competition.
Aruba’s Office of Inno-
vation was supported
by Rietveld Academy.
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