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AWEMainta Diasabra, 9 September 2017                                                                                                         5

       SIMAR ta cuestiona

       negligencia di EPI

       Sector Economico

       DOCENTENAN di Sector Economia a cansa. Esaki ta comprendibel ya cu pa añas
       e docentenan di gym ta traha den un situacion laboral inaceptabel.
       Despues di a purba pa medio di diferente carta y combersacion cu tanto manage-
       ment, como directie y DPS, e docentenan no tabatin exito.

       Studiantenan tambe a “walk out” na 2015 pa diferente di e mesun puntonan di
       atencion cu nan ta trata awe. Mientrastanto un otro aña escolar a habri e organ-
       isacion den e mesun situacion. Pese yayera mainta, a bolbe surgi un walk-out, pero
       no solamente di Sector Economico, pero tambe di Sector Cuido.

       Docentenan di EPI Sector Economia a dicidi di pone trabou abou pa motibo di
       disgusto ya cu nan ta celebrando 20 aña di existencia, mientras cu docentenan di
       gym y studiantenan ta sin un sala di gym.
       Na luna di november 2015 e docentenan a sali for di scol y a bay entrega un carta
       na Minister Hooyboer-Winklaar  den cual a mustra nan disgusto.

       Tambe a entrega e mapanan di e gymzaal cu lo mester ser construi pa EPI. E splicacion
       duna dor di Minister tabata cu EPI mes a dicidi di duna otro proyectonan prioridad.
       Minister na su turno lo a laga sondea e posibilidad di construi un gymzaal mas
       grandi cu esun planea na Princes Amalia Basis School y lo a purba bin na un areglo
       pa EPI haci uso di esaki, mientras cu lo a construi un pa EPI.
       Mientrastanto e scol nobo a ser inaugura y e docentenan a haya notificacion cu uso
       di e gymzaal pa EPI no lo ta posibel.

       Otro promesa cu a bin dilanti dor di directie di EPI/DPS tabata cu lo a construi un
       “overdekte” como solucion riba termino corto y cu esaki lo a ser sera despues di          Shift Engineer
       tempo. Nada di e “overdekte” aki a bira realidad.
                                                                                                 We are dedicated into making Playa Linda a HOME AWAY FROM HOME for our guests, members and
       SIMAR ta di opinion cu traha den e condicionnan aki absolutamente no ta acepta-           associates. If you’re passionate about Hospitality and you’re looking for a new challenge, then
                                                                                                 don’t miss this opportunity to join the Playa Linda team. We’re looking for an eager associate that
       bel, specialmente sabiendo cu ley ta protehe tanto e docente como e studiante cu          wants to make every guest experience unique, positive, successful and inspiring.
       articulonan cu ta papia di e.o. temperatura maximo, grandura di localidad, sombra
       y seguridad.                                                                              Requirements:               Description:
       E situacion aki ta contra di tur norma describi den nos leynan.
                                                                                                 • EPI/ equivalent technical degree  The Shift Engineer performs a variety of tasks; the
                                                                                                 • Minimum 2 years maintenance experience in the   focus relies on the maintenance of the property &
                                                                                                  hospitality industry       rooms & modifications and repairs of equipment :
       Peor aun sabiendo cu awendia, cu “global warming” y tur efecto di cambio riba             • Able to work the night shift 3.00 pm - 11.00 pm  which may include air-conditioning, heating,
                                                                                                 • Read, write, speak and comprehend English,
                                                                                                                             ventilation, lighting, plumbing, masonry but also
                                                                                                  Spanish, Dutch and Papiamento language
       clima, docentenan den klas sin airco mes ta traha den un temperatura entre 32 cu          • Basic writing skill in the English language  carpentry and painting.
       38 grado cu ta sinti manera 40. E docentenan aki, hunto cu studiantenan, ta haci          • Basic i.e. internet ,Word and Excel
                                                                                                 • Work independent & is a self starter
                                                                                                 • Able to signal problems, analyze and solve them
       gym den e higra di solo cu temperatura mas halto ainda.                                   • Excellent communication & people skills
                                                                                                 Playa Linda Beach Resort is a Green Certified timeshare
       SIMAR ta enfatisa cu e accion aki no tabatin nada di haci cu politica, sino mas bien      resort consisting of 215 suites. Our members are from all   HOW TO APPLY?
                                                                                                                             Please e-mail your motivation letter along with
                                                                                                 around the world, but mainly from the USA.
                                                                                                 Playa Linda Beach Resort is a proud winner of the RCI Cold   your resume to Milda Ras at
       cu frustracion cu a acumula y a culmina den expresa malcontento na inicio di otro aña     Crown Award for more than 25 consecutive  years, a or fill in an
                                                                                                 distinction given to resorts that have attained the highest   application form at our Human Resources
       escolar. Expresion den un manifestacion cortico cu ta derecho di nos ciudadanonan.        level of excellence in resort accommodations and hospitality.   Department. We offer a competitive salary & great
                                                                                                 Interval International also bestowed Premier Status on the
                                                                                                 resort for several consecutive years.   employee benefits.
       SIMAR tabata presente n’e accion pa sostene e causa y lo sigi e desaroyo di e asunto
       aki di cerca.
       Nos ta spera cu e docentenan aki haya oido y cu pronto lo bin solucion n’e prob-
       lematica aki.
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