P. 16

                Monday 30 october 2017

            A Pampering Ritual(s)

                                                                      Continued from Page 15       piness can be found in the  cotton  production  for  the
                                                                                                   smallest things and besides  people  who  produce  it,
                                                                      Rituals  believes  that  hap-  that the company chooses  the  environment  around
                                                                                                   to be responsible. They use  us and the future of the in-
                                                                                                   organic  ingredients  when-  dustry  they  work  in.  Rituals
                                                                                                   ever possible.               embraces  initiatives  that
                                                                                                   For  all  that  nature  can’t  are  environmentally  safe
                                                                                                   provide,  they  use  safe  al-  and socially conscious and
                                                                                                   ternatives.  You  will  find  no  found  the  Tiny  Miracles
                                                                                                   parabens  in  any  of  their  Foundation - a charity that
                                                                                                   products.                    affords    underprivileged
              Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort)                      The Soulwear collection al-  children in Mumbai, India a
               FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL                                          lows  Rituals  to  embrace  a  better start in life.
              HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES.                                        better  way  of  producing  For  more  information  you
                                                                                                   cotton.  They  are  a  proud  can  check  out  their  web-
                 CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION                                                member of the Better Cot-    site  and  Facebook:  www.
                                            LIVE POKER                                             ton  Initiative  (BCI),  which  and  Facebook
                                                                                                   strives  to  improve  global  Rituals Cosmetics.q

                              GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS

                               1-2.....2-5......5-5            1-3.....2-5......5-5
                                  $100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR
                      OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES

                              ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS


                                        LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS
                                           THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS
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