P. 13

                                                                                                                           Monday 30 october 2017

            District 7: A LGBTQ Barrio

            ORANJESTAD  -  The  LGBTQ
            (Lesbian,  Gay,  Bisexual,
            Transgender,    Queer    or
            Questioning)    community
            forms  a  considerable  part
            of incoming tourism in Aru-
            ba.  Besides  that  the  island
            has  her  own  crowd  of  LG-
            BTQ. But.. So far there is no
            place for this community to
            meet, eat, party and sleep
            within  one  vibe,  one  ‘bar-
            rio’.  Toine  van  de  Donk(
            real  estate  investor)  is  go-
            ing  to  change  that.  “It’s
            about  time”,  he  says  con-  emphasis-  open  to  every-  Oranjestad  where  District
            fident.                      body.  “I  am  talking  about  7  will  arise.  The  deadline
                                         a  neighborhood  called  is  to  open  next  year,  June
            By Linda Reijnders           District   7with   boutique  24 ,  that’s  7  months  from
                                         rooms  for  long  term  and  now  on,  and  by  hearing
            With Style                   short  term  rentals,  trendy  him  out,  everything  seems
            Toine,  ambitious  and  an   small  shops,  cute  coffee  to  be  well-thought  and
            out-of-the-box      thinker,   spots,  nice  bars  and  other  fully prepared. “I am not a   to  achieve  the  goal.  “This
            has  a  vision  that  is  clear   facilities.” This is not a plan;  dreamer,  but  an  accom-  coming  weekend,  we  will
            and cut. With an all-round   it  is  in  execution  already  plisher. This is a high-need-  have  our  own  @7  Club
            concept  to  serve  the  LG-  as  Toine  is  buying  build-  ed asset in the island that I   stage  at  the  Love  Festival,
            BTQ  community,  but–he      ings  in  the  specific  part  of  love.” He elaborates about   called  @7  House  of  Dolls,
                                                                      an area where art, creativ-  and  believe  me  that  we
                                                                      ity, diversity, hip and com-  will rock. It is there where I
                                                                      fort  merge.  “Important  to   will  announce  the  project
                                                                      understand is that this spe-  District 7.” The shows prom-
                                                                      cific place in town will form   ise  to  be  out-of-this-world,
                                                                      a  platform  where  the  LG-  highly  entertaining  with
                                                                      BTQ  community  can  con-    Madonna  look-a-like,  Diva
                                                                      nect  with  locals  and  tour-  Parades and more, all cov-
                                                                      ists. “Everybody is welcome   ered in a blanket of diver-
                                                                      to  enjoy,  but  with  respect   sity, with 3 separate themes
                                                                      and  dignity”,  Toine  states.   for  Friday,  Saturday  and
                                                                      “LGBTQ’s  like  a  comfy  life-  Sunday. “It is about expres-
                                                                      style,  not  perse  expensive   sion  and  acceptance  of
                                                                      but as classy as possible. D7   yourself.  Imagine  how  im-
                                                                      will provide in that. We are   portant a performance like  And  that  is  precisely  the
                                                                      going for comfort and con-   this can be for some of the  philosophy  behind  7.  A
                                                                      venience.”                   artists. To be able to express  place to be your own YOU.
                                                                                                   themselves     completely  To Toine, there is more to it
                                                                      Be Your Own                  while  they  fought  hard  for  than  realizing  a  dream.  “It
                                                                      Toine is not standing alone   acceptance  of  family  or  is about finding ground for
                                                                      in  this.  He  has  a  trustable   friends  or  even  the  world.  seeking souls. District 7 is on
                                                                      staff  that  supports  the  D7   This is about choosing to be  its  way  to  be  a  Happy  Di-
                                                                      concept  and  works  hard    their own ME.”               mensional Home for all.”q
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