P. 10

                Monday 30 october 2017

            Their caliphate in ruins, IS militants melt into the desert

            By BASSEM MROUE                                                                                                     on one another, that could
             Associated Press                                                                                                   give  the  extremists  an
            BEIRUT (AP) — Islamic State                                                                                         opening to regroup.
            militants,  routed  from  one                                                                                       A  similar  dynamic  threat-
            urban stronghold after an-                                                                                          ens  recent  gains  in  Syria.
            other in Syria, have recent-                                                                                        The   U.S.-backed   Syrian
            ly  been  moving  deeper                                                                                            Democratic  Forces  and
            into  Syria’s  remote  desert,                                                                                      Russia-backed     govern-
            where experts say they are                                                                                          ment  troops  have  been
            regrouping  and  preparing                                                                                          the  most  effective  in  the
            their next incarnation.                                                                                             fight against IS, but are now
            The  Sunni  militants’  self-                                                                                       waging  parallel  offensives
            proclaimed     “caliphate”                                                                                          in  Deir  el-Zour  that  could
            with  its  contiguous  stretch                                                                                      bring  them  into  conflict
            of land — linking major cit-                                                                                        with one another.
            ies  such  as  Syria’s  Raqqa                                                                                       Gen.    Joseph    Dunford,
            and  Iraq’s  Mosul  —  may                                                                                          chairman  of  the  U.S.  Joint
            have  been  vanquished,       In this June 29, 2016 file photo released by Iraq’s Counterterrorism Service shows an Islamic State   Chiefs  of  Staff,  called  the
            but many agree this territo-  militant convoy destroyed by airstrikes near Fallujah, Iraq.                          SDF’s  liberation  of  Raqqa
            rial defeat will not mark the                                                                      Associated Press  an “inflection point” in the
            end of IS.                   mountains. It encompasses    Arabia, and western Iraq.    already  on  display.  In  the  fight against IS, but warned
            Beyond  the  urban  and  in-  about  500,000  square  ki-  The  desolate  landscape  is  eastern Syrian town of May-  that the coalition needs to
            habited areas lies the vast  lometers  (200,000  square   a  perfect  hideout  and  a  adeen,  a  former  IS  strong-  stay focused.
            Syrian  Desert,  also  known  miles) across parts of south-  second  home  for  many  IS  hold,  the  militants  pulled  “ISIS  is  on  their  heels  right
            as Badiyat al-Sham, famous  eastern  Syria,  northeast-   militants from the days be-  back  and  disappeared  now and our job is to make
            for  its  caves  and  rugged  ern Jordan, northern Saudi   fore  the  birth  of  their  ca-  into the desert after only a  sure  they  don’t  recover,”
                                                                      liphate.  Experts  estimate  few days of battle with Syr-  Dunford  said,  using  an  al-
                                                                      that hundreds of thousands  ian government forces ear-    ternative  name  for  the
                                                                      of troops would be needed  lier this month.               group.
                                                                      to  mount  search  opera-    The  top  U.S.  envoy  for  the  Experts say that will be dif-
                                                                      tions — and even more to  anti-IS  coalition,  Brett  Mc-  ficult.
                                                                      put  the  desert  under  per-  Gurk, said the Sunni militant  Dana  Jalal,  a  Sweden-
                                                                      manent control.              group  is  now  down  to  the  based  Iraqi  journalist  who
                                                                      Once  they  melt  into  the  last 10 percent of the terri-  closely follows jihadi groups
                                                                      desert,  without  an  army  tory it once held in Iraq and  in  the  Middle  East,  said  IS
                                                                      of  tens  of  thousands  of  Syria.                       “will  become  an  under-
                                                                      supporters  from  dozens  The  group  still  maintains  ground  terrorist  organiza-
                                                                      of  countries,  IS  jihadis  will  some  appeal  for  Sunnis,  tion.”
                                                                      resort  to  guerrilla-style  at-  who  complain  of  discrimi-  “The lone wolf has nothing
                                                                      tacks:  scattered  hit-and-  nation  by  Iraq’s  Shiite-led  to lose. They have nothing
                                                                      run  attacks  and  suicide  government and by Syrian  to defend now,” Jalal said.
                                                                      bombings.                    President  Bashar  Assad’s  The  group’s  predecessor,
                                                                      “They  love  fighting  battles  minority  Alawite  sect,  an  al-Qaida  in  Iraq,  was  al-
                                                                      in  the  desert  and  they  will  offshoot of Shiite Islam.  most  crushed  in  2007  by
                                                                      go back to the old ways,”  IS will also look to buy time  U.S.  and  Iraqi  forces.  But
                                                                      said Omar Abu Laila, a Eu-   and  benefit  from  political  after  the  Americans  with-
                                                                      rope-based opposition ac-    and other conflicts — such  drew from Iraq in 2011, the
                                                                      tivist  originally  from  Syria’s  as this month’s clashes be-  militants  regrouped,  even-
                                                                      eastern province of Deir el-  tween  Iraqi  and  Kurdish  tually  emerging  stronger
                                                                      Zour, which lies in the heart  forces  following  the  Kurd-  than  ever  in  the  summer
                                                                      of Badiyat al-Sham.          ish  independence  refer-    of  2014,  when  they  con-
                                                                      IS  leaders  appear  to  have  endum.  That  fighting  has  quered large areas of Syria
                                                                      made  contingency  plans  already diverted resources  and Iraq.
                                                                      that  involve  precisely  this  from the war on IS, the top  IS  will  again  “find  a  sup-
                                                                      —    regrouping  in  the  des-  U.S. general in Iraq, Lt. Gen.  porting base in Sunni Iraq,”
                                                                      ert and launching attacks,  Paul Funk, told The Associ-   where  discontent  with  the
                                                                      much  like  IS’  predecessor,  ated Press last week.      Shiite-led  government  runs
                                                                      al-Qaida  in  Iraq,  did  for  Iraqi  troops,  Shiite  militia-  high, said Mutlu Civiroglu, a
                                                                      more than a decade after  men  and  Kurdish  forces  Washington-based  Kurdish
                                                                      the U.S.-led 2003 invasion.  have  driven  IS  from  nearly  affairs  analyst  who  follows
                                                                      Some  of  those  plans  are  all  of  Iraq,  but  if  they  turn  the battle against IS.q
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