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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 30 october 2017

            Arkansas poised to execute man amid fight over mental health

            By KELLY P. KISSEL           will take up Greene’s case.  son saying it would be “mor-
             Associated Press            The  inmate  hasn’t  always  ally and ethically wrong” to
            LITTLE  ROCK,  Ark.  (AP)  —  made  it  easy  for  his  attor-  execute Greene.
            Jack Greene’s lawyers say  neys.  While  pleading  for  “Mr.  Greene’s  illness  mani-
            he’s  severely  mentally  ill.  clemency,  he  told  the  Ar-  fests itself in extreme physi-
            The Arkansas death row in-   kansas  Parole  Board  this  cal  contortions,  in  self-mu-
            mate says they’re lying.     month that his lawyers are  tilation,  and  in  delusional
            As  Greene  approaches  a  wrong  to  call  him  “delu-   beliefs  he  holds  about  a
            Nov.  9  execution  date,  his  sional”  and  that  courts  conspiracy  against  him
            lawyers  are  raising  ques-  have  routinely  found  him  between his attorneys and
            tions about who should de-   competent.  He  also  told  prison officials,” the mental
            termine his mental compe-    the  board,  “I  knew  what  I  health professionals wrote.
            tency. Arkansas gives con-   was  doing  to  him,”  when  Greene  stood  throughout    In this on Oct. 4, 2017, frame grab from video, Arkansas death
            siderable weight to its prison  he  tortured  Burnett  for  an  his Oct. 4 appearance be-  row inmate Jack Greene appears before the state parole board
            director’s opinion in decid-  hour  before  shooting  him.  fore the Parole Board, fidg-  at a prison in Varner, Ark.
            ing whether a condemned  When  a  doctor  testified  eting and fumbling through                                                Associated Press
            inmate has the mental ca-    that  Greene  has  done  documents  that,  he  says,  because  he  uncovered  a  to  Arkansas  for  his  murder
            pacity  to  understand  his  headstands  during  exami-   promised  him  a  transfer  to  purported (and to Greene,  trial  on  the  condition  that
            execution;  Greene’s  law-   nations and even in court-   his home state North Caro-   successful)     conspiracy  he  would  be  returned  if
            yers  want  doctors  to  have  rooms,  Greene  told  the  lina,  where  authorities  say  among guards and lawyers  he received any sentence
            a greater say.               panel that he does yoga to  he killed a brother days be-  to  torture  the  inmate  and  other than the death pen-
            “The  system  is  really  quite  remain “functional.”     fore  killing  Burnett.  Blood-  dissolve his central nervous  alty. Greene knows a trans-
            antiquated,” John Williams,  Williams says the seemingly  ied, rolled up strands of tis-  system and spinal column.  fer  is  a  lifeline,  Assistant
            an  attorney  for  Greene,  lucid moments mask severe  sue  stuck  out  of  both  ears  “He  thinks  that  the  De-  Attorney  General  Kathryn
            said  in  an  interview.  “(Pris-  mental illness.        and  his  left  nostril;  his  law-  partment  of  Correction  Henry said.
            on  director)  Wendy  Kelley  “A  lot  of  people  who  are  yers say that is a symptom  cannot  send  him  back  to  The  governor  said  Friday
            is an arm of the state. She  mentally  ill  don’t  think  of Greene’s mental illness.  North  Carolina  because  that  he  was  still  reviewing
            doesn’t have the expertise  they’re  mentally  ill,”  the  “If I could go back to North  he knows too much about  Greene’s  file  after  Parole
            to  make  that  determina-   lawyer said.                 Carolina  and  get  medical  what has happened to him  Board  members  recom-
            tion.”  Greene  was  con-    The case has drawn the at-   treatment,  that  would  be  in  prison,”  Williams  said.  mended that he not spare
            victed  for  the  1991  killing  tention  of  both  the  Ameri-  great, but if not, let’s come  “They won’t send him back  the inmate’s life.
            Sidney  Jethro  Burnett  after  can  Bar  Association  and  on with this execution,” he  to  North  Carolina,  so  they  Greene’s  execution  would
            Burnett  and  his  wife  ac-  a  collection  of  28  mental  told the panel.           have to execute him.”        be  Arkansas’  first  since  it
            cused Greene of arson. At  health  professionals,  who  Williams  says  Greene  be-    Baloney, state lawyers say.  put four men to death in an
            least  one  court  this  week  wrote to Gov. Asa Hutchin-  lieves he’s being executed  North Carolina sent Greene  eight-day period in April.q

             Court orders Arizona tribe to recognize same-sex marriages

             PHOENIX  (AP)  —  A  tribal  of 1968.                    said he would not appeal  ma-Maricopa Indian Com-        the right to marry to same-
             court has cleared the way  “This  decision  made  it  the ruling.                     munity, the Fort McDowell  sex  couples  nationwide.
             for  gay  couples  to  marry  clear  that  the  tribal  law  “Today  marks  the  conclu-  Yavapai  Nation,  the  Pas-  While  their  marriage  was
             on  an  American  Indian  was  unconstitutional  un-     sion of a lengthy but nec-   cua  Yaqui  Tribe  and  the  recognized in Arizona, the
             reservation  in  the  Phoenix  der tribal law” and not just  essary  legal  exercise  —  White  Mountain  Apache  certificate  was  meaning-
             area  after  a  two-year  le-  U.S. federal law, said attor-  one that respects the rights  tribe. The Arizona Republic  less on the reservation.
             gal battle that could have  ney  Sonia  Martinez,  who  of tribal members and hon-    reported .                  Pablo  said  she  never  set
             repercussions  for  Native  represented  the  same-sex  ors the sacred sovereignty  Cleo  Pablo,  who  grew  up  out  to  be  an  activist,  but
             Americans elsewhere.         couple  in  the  lawsuit.  “I  and  self-governance  of  on the Ak-Chin Reservation  just to get the same rights
             The court ruled that same-   have no idea if other tribes  the  Ak-Chin  Indian  Com-  south  of  the  Valley,  filed  as any other married cou-
             sex couples have a funda-    are going to do the same  munity,” Miguel said.          the lawsuit.                ple.
             mental  right  to  marry  un-  thing, but I think it at least  The  court  ruling  said  four  She and her longtime part-  “You’re taught growing up
             der the constitution of the  opens the door.”            other Arizona tribes recog-  ner,  Tara  Roy-Pablo,  mar-  that you have to stand up
             Ak-Chin  community  and  Ak-Chin Indian Community  nize  same-sex  marriages,  ried  shortly  after  the  U.S.  for  what’s  right,”  she  said.
             the  Indian  Civil  Rights  Act  Chairman  Robert  Miguel  including  the  Salt  River  Pi-  Supreme  Court  extended  “I actually did it.”q
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