P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                Monday 30 october 2017

                $  10

            Confusion coming with California’s legal marijuana

            By MICHAEL R. BLOOD          see  as  potential  conflicts  Allen, executive director of  than  medical  pot  but  of-  upend  the  emerging  in-
             Associated Press            in  various  laws  and  rules,  the  California  Growers  As-  ficials  this  week  proposed  dustry by failing to provide
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ready  or seemingly contradictory  sociation,  a  marijuana  in-    hearings  to  take  another  a  prompt  way  to  license
            or  not,  California  kicks  off  plans.                  dustry group.                look at how to regulate the  suppliers,  potentially  forc-
            recreational     marijuana                                                                                          ing then to shut down.  And
            sales on Jan. 1. And, mostly,                                                                                       he’s  dubious  that  the  city
            it’s not.                                                                                                           will be ready to begin issu-
            Los Angeles and San Fran-                                                                                           ing licenses on Jan. 1.
            cisco are among many cit-                                                                                           “There’s not a lot of calen-
            ies still struggling to fashion                                                                                     dar  days  left  in  the  year,”
            local rules for pot shops and                                                                                       he said.
            growers. Without the regu-                                                                                          San Francisco, another city
            lations, there could be lim-                                                                                        that strongly supports legal-
            ited options in many places                                                                                         ization,  still  is  debating  lo-
            for consumers eager to ring                                                                                         cal rules. Again, it’s uncer-
            in the new year with a legal                                                                                        tain what will be ready, or
            pot purchase.                                                                                                       when.
            “The bulk of folks probably                                                                                         “What  we  want  to  do  is
            are not going to be ready                                                                                           bring  everything  into  the
            Jan.  1,”  conceded  Cara                                                                                           daylight,  regulate  it,  get
            Martinson  of  the  California                                                                                      fees for the cost of regula-
            State Association of Coun-                                                                                          tion  and  collect  taxes  as
            ties.                                                                                                               appropriate,”  said  county
            In  general,  California  will                                                                                      Supervisor Jeff Sheehy.
            treat cannabis like alcohol,                                                                                        San Diego is among the cit-
            allowing  people  21  and                                                                                           ies ready to get the recre-
            older  to  legally  possess  up                                                                                     ational market going.
            to  an  ounce  and  grow  six                                                                                       Phil  Rath,  executive  direc-
            marijuana plants at home.    In this April 23, 2017, file photo, vendors offer marijuana for sale at the High Times Cannabis Cup   tor  of  the  United  Medical
            Come  January,  the  newly   in San Bernardino, Calif.                                                              Marijuana Coalition, a San
            legalized recreational sales                                                                       Associated Press  Diego  trade  group,  said
            will  be  merged  with  the                                                                                         years  of  disorder  in  the
            state’s    two-decade-old  The state expects business-    The  route  to  legalization  local industry.             medical  market  led  to  in-
            medical marijuana market,  es that receive licenses will  began last year when vot-    Kern  County,  home  to  creased black market busi-
            which is also coming under  only  work  with  others  that  ers  approved  Proposition  nearly 900,000 people, has  ness.
            much stronger regulation.    hold  them.  But  that  has  64, which opened the way  banned  the  sale  of  mari-    That  provided  a  ready  ex-
            But  big  gaps  loom  in  the  alarmed  operators  who  for recreational pot sales to  juana  even  as  California  ample of how not to man-
            system  intended  to  move  wonder what will happen if  adults  in  the  nation’s  most  legalizes it. Supervisors said  age recreational sales.
            cannabis  from  the  field  to  their  supplier,  for  instance,  populous state.      they see it as a danger to  San Diego moved prompt-
            distribution centers, then to  decides not to join the new  Unlike  the  state,  cities  and  citizens  and  also  voted  to  ly, setting up a system that
            testing labs and eventually  legal market.                counties face no deadline  phase  out  more  than  two  will allow recreational sales
            retail shops.                Others  say  it’s  not  clear  to  act.  However,  the  con-  dozen  medical  marijuana  at  dispensaries  permitted
            The  state  intends  to  issue  what  could  happen  in  cit-  cern  is  that  confusion  and  dispensaries.        under the medical system,
            only  temporary  licenses  ies  that  don’t  enact  pot  a  patchwork  of  local  rules  In  Los  Angeles,  which  by  once  they  qualify  for  a
            starting  in  January,  and  it  laws,  which  they  warn  could  discourage  opera-   some estimates could be a  state license.
            has  yet  to  release  its  plan  could open a loophole for  tors from entering the legal  $1 billion marketplace, vot-  Industry experts say the dis-
            to  govern  the  estimated  businesses  to  set  up  shop.  economy, feeding a black  ers have been strongly sup-   tribution  system  -  a  sort  of
            $7 billion marketplace, the  Some  communities  have  market  that  could  under-      portive of legal pot.        main  artery  where  pot  will
            nation’s  largest  legal  pot  banned  recreational  sales  cut the legitimate one.    But  its  proposed  regula-  be received from growers,
            economy.                     completely.                  Local  regulation  is  a  foun-  tions  hit  snags,  including  sent  out  for  testing,  taxed,
            If businesses aren’t licensed  Most  banks  continue  to  dation block of the emerg-   a  dispute  over  a  proposal  and  eventually  shipped  to
            and  operating  in  the  le-  refuse  to  do  business  with  ing pot economy: A grower  for so-called certificates of  retail  stores  -  is  not  robust
            gal  market,  governments  marijuana  operators  -  pot  or  retailer  needs  a  local  compliance, which opera-    enough to support the vast
            aren’t  collecting  their  slice  remains illegal under feder-  permit first, which is a step-  tors feared would not meet  new market.
            of  revenue  from  sales.  The  al law - and there are also  pingstone  to  obtaining  a  qualification  requirements  The  distributor  model  “was
            state  alone  estimates  it  problems  obtaining  insur-  state license to operate.    for state licenses.          the  subject  of  most  of  the
            could  see  as  much  as  $1  ance.                       But  those  rules  remain  in  Adam Spiker, executive di-  political wrangling over the
            billion  roll  in  within  several  With  recreational  legaliza-  limbo in many places.  rector of the Southern Cali-  last two years,” Allen said.
            years.                       tion fast approaching, “we  San  Jose,  the  state’s  third-  fornia Coalition, an industry  “That’s  the  control  point,”
            Operators    have     com-   don’t have enough of any-    largest  city,  has  a  tempo-  group,  warned  last  month  he  said,  but  “we  don’t
            plained  about  what  they  thing,”  lamented  Hezekiah  rary  ban  on  sales  other  that L.A.’s draft rules could  have enough of them.”q
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