P. 8
Monday 30 october 2017
UK to investigate minister who asked aide to buy sex toys
By DANICA KIRKA as Britain’s political estab- to change the culture at
Associated Press lishment faces increasing Parliament.
LONDON (AP) — Britain’s scrutiny over allegations “I think people at home
Cabinet Office will inves- of sexual harassment. The will be quite angry about
tigate whether an inter- soul-searching follows the this because, a bit like the
national trade minister scandal surrounding Hol- Harvey Weinstein stuff, Par-
breached conduct rules lywood mogul Harvey liament, like Hollywood, is
by asking his secretary to Weinstein, who was fired very good at preaching to
buy sex toys as widening al- after The New York Times people what they ought
legations of sexual harass- published an expose that to be doing and how they
ment roil Parliament. detailed decades of com- ought to be behaving. But
Health Secretary Jeremy plaints against him. I’m afraid this shows that
Hunt said Mark Garnier will Environment Secretary Mi- in our own backyard we
face an investigation after chael Gove was forced don’t live up to the high
the minister’s former secre- to apologize Saturday af- standards that we would
tary told The Mail on Sun- ter he attempted to joke expect others to,” Hunt told
day that Garnier gave her about Weinstein during ITV. Garnier’s former secre-
In this file photo dated Aug. 18, 2017, British International money to buy two vibra- a radio interview. Mean- tary, Caroline Edmondson,
Trade Minister Mark Garnier, who has been caught up in the tors at a Soho sex shop and while, women working in told The Mail on Sunday
Westminster sexism storm, it is announced Sunday Oct. 29, 2017. called her a disparaging the British Parliament have that he gave her money
Associated Press
name in front of witnesses. reportedly created mes- to buy two vibrators — one
“The facts of (the report) sage groups to warn col- for his wife and one for a
are in dispute, so the Cabi- leagues about harassment. woman in his constituency
net Office are going to Hunt said Prime Minister office. Garnier acknowl-
look at it and see if there is Theresa May would be writ- edged that the incident
a breach,” Hunt told ITV’s ing to the Speaker of the took place but vehemently
Peston on Sunday program. House of Commons, John denied it constituted sexual
The investigation comes Bercow, to develop a plan harassment. q
French women rally against sexual
abuse under #MeToo banner
Associated Press
PARIS (AP) — Women pro-
tested sexual abuse and
harassment Sunday in 11
French cities under the
#MeToo banner in the
wake of mounting allega-
tions against Hollywood
mogul Harvey Weinstein.
Carol Galand, an inde-
pendent journalist who or-
ganized the protests, told
The Associated Press that
it’s important this move- Demonstrator holds placards reading “Without yes, it is no“,
ment went beyond social and “Ways against the violence”, during a demonstration in
media. Marseille, southern France, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017.
“Some women don’t have Associated Press
the strength to handle really need to be together, In Paris, several hundred
alone those aggressions because together we are people protested Sunday
that they faced. So they stronger,” she said. on the Republic Plaza.q