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LGBTQ Barrio

                                                                                        October 30, 2017
                                                                                        T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                  Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                OPEN MARKET

            In this Oct. 26, 2017, photo, a woman walks past the Briva Health enrollment office for MNsure, Minnesota’s insurance marketplace, in Minneapolis.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            It will be a tale of 2 countries as open enrollment begins

            By KYLE POTTER                      health  insurance  marketplaces,  market in much of the country, the  12  hours  of  maintenance  nearly
             Associated Press                   maintaining  control  over  advertis-  Trump  administration  has  slashed  every  Sunday  during  open  enroll-
            ST.  PAUL,  Minn.  (AP)  —  The  Trump  ing  and  the  help  they  can  offer  spending on advertising by 90 per-  ment. The 12 states with their own
            administration’s  efforts  to  under-  consumers. That will create a strik-  cent and drastically reduced bud-  exchanges  are  free  to  chart  their
            mine  the  Affordable  Care  Act  ing  difference  when  open  enroll-  gets for the groups that help con-  own course and make it easier on
            have health care advocates and  ment begins Wednesday between  sumers  choose  a  plan.  It  cut  the  consumers.  Nine  have  extended
            insurers  concerned  that  the  open  those  states  and  the  others  that  open enrollment period in half, to  open  enrollment  beyond  Dec.  15
            enrollment  period  will  be  one  of  rely  on  the  federal  marketplace,  six  weeks.  Shortening  the  sign-up  — by a week in some states and six
            chaos and confusion.                essentially  creating  a  tale  of  two  window  further,  the  federal  gov-  weeks in others.
            That’s not true everywhere.         countries.                          ernment  will  shut  down  its  online
            A dozen states operate their own  For the individual health insurance  marketplace,,  for                   Continued on Page 3
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