P. 14
Monday 30 october 2017
Musical RENT is On for this week
ORANJESTAD - Cas di marks the very first time that took Broadway by storm,
Cultura& Muse Theater a world-famous musical will becoming a landmark
and Events presents the have ever been performed American musical,
Tony Award and Pulitzer in Aruba, signifying a very performed more than 5000
Prize winning Broadway exciting moment in Cas Di times. This evocative and
musical RENT, starting Cultura’s history. timeless story about what it
November 1st. The limited means to be a young adult
engagement will play In 1996, Jonathan Larson’s and striving, follows the
through November 5th. This thrilling rock musical RENT journey of a group of friends
faced with crisis, forcing possible by UNOCA, Prins
them to make the decision Bernhard Cultuurfonds
to either split apart or stay and Elite Productions.
together. Based on the Departamento di Cultura
opera La Bohéme, Larson Aruba will support with the
infused the original story realization of performances
with characters familiar to for local high schools. The
him and the world he was artistic aspect is in the
experiencing in New York’s hands of On The Quays,
bohemian East Village, an international theater
under the shadow of the company based in New
HIV/AIDS epidemic, in the York, dedicated to creating
early 1990s. and producing work in
RENT illuminates the power theatre, film and digital
of community and a media. As a company On
human’s necessity and the Quays is inspired to tell
capability to love in the relevant and engaging
darkest of times. Love stories. Their production
is one of RENT’s central of RENT garnered 5-star
themes and celebrates reviews, hailed as� “RENT
love of all kinds, using it as for a new generation, with
means to cope with loss a faultless cast, exquisite
and struggle, encouraging performances, and vocals
the audience to “measure that move the soul.”
your life in love”, as sung
in the renowned hit from RENT’s premiere will be
RENT, ‘Seasons of Love’. on the 1st of November
at 7:00pm and continues
RENT on Aruba features with performances on
a cast of professional November 3rd, 4th at
actors from New York City 8:00pm and November
including actors who have 5th at 3:00pm at Cas
recently performed on di Cultura. Tickets will
Broadway. RENT will be be available at Cas Di
Cas Di Cultura’s first major Cultura, Super Food Plaza,
professional international Fresh Market Paradera
musical event in its nearly 60- and DeWit&VanDorp San
year history. Cas di Cultura Nicolas. Tickets can also
will produce the show be purchased by calling
locally in collaboration with +297 582 1010 or e-mail
Muse Theater & Events. to: ticketing@casdicultura.
This production is made aw.q