P. 14
Thursday 26 april 2018
Celebrate King’s Day in Style at your Favorite Beach Bar
Bugaloe will be decked Chill beer!
out in orange to celebrate
King’s Day, and we hope to Come down to Bugaloe
see you there! to enjoy the best view, live
music, tasty food and even
Enjoy live music by the better drink specials. Buga-
PALM BEACH - Join Buga- ebration the island has to The Netherlands and cele- Travel Session Band, be- loe is located on the De
loe this Friday April 27th offer! Koningsdag, or King’s brates the birth of King Wil- ginning at 7pm, in addi- Palm pier between the Hil-
for the best King’s Day cel- Day, is a national holiday in lem-Alexander. On Friday, tion to a special King’s Day ton Resort and the Riu Ho-
Happy Hour with live enter- tel. For reservations please
tainment between 5-6pm mail to
and again from 10-11pm. or call 00297-5862233. It
On this day, Bugaloe will doesn’t get better than
be serving Dutch Snack this! Will we see you in or-
Platters , along with a 5+1 ange at Bugaloe on King’s
bucket deal on Balashi and Day?q