P. 9
WORLD NEWS Thursday 26 april 2018
Australia says admiral will be next U.S. ambassador to Seoul
By ROD McGUIRK lia," Turnbull told reporters in tary of State John Sullivan, tralia since John Berry, pres- curity at the Washington-
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) France. who had made clear that ident of the American Aus- based Center for Strategic
— Australia's prime minister "He is a guy of enormous the appointment of a new tralian Association, left the and International Studies,
said Wednesday that the experience and ability and ambassador to Australia post in September 2016. said the change of ambas-
commander of U.S. forces given the situation on the would be a priority for the Andrew Shearer, a former sador plans made Australia
in the Pacific, Adm. Harry Korean Peninsula, given next secretary of state. Australian government se- appear to be a second-
Harris, will not become the tensions there, I can The United States has not curity adviser and now an class ally of the United
Washington's next ambas- well understand why the had an ambassador in Aus- adviser on Asia-Pacific se- States.q
In this Nov. 16, 2017, file photo, U.S. Pacific Command Com-
mander Adm. Harry Harris arrives at Japanese Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe's official residence in Tokyo.
Associated Press
sador to Australia and will president has decided that
be posted to South Korea the admiral's expertise and
instead. experience is going to be
Prime Minister Malcolm able to be put to better use
Turnbull said he was disap- in Korea than in Australia."
pointed but not perturbed South Korea has been with-
by the decision, which he out an American ambassa-
learned about earlier this dor for more than one year.
week. In Seoul, South Korea's For-
President Donald Trump eign Ministry said Wednes-
had nominated Harris in day that Seoul and
February to become Aus- Washington have been
tralia's next ambassador. cooperating to fill the post,
"I'm disappointed that Har- but stopped short of con-
ry's not coming because firming Harris' reported
he's a really good friend nomination.
and I think Harry will be Australian Foreign Minister
disappointed that he's not Julie Bishop said she was in-
coming to Canberra too formed Tuesday of the de-
because he loves Austra- cision by Acting U.S. Secre-